counting our votes is outrageous! The biggest corporate scam ever!
Most Americans would be against it--if they knew!
A couple of other points:
1. Many people simply do not understand what the news monopolies are doing to their brains--literal brainwashing--convincing them that, "if it's not 'in the news,' it isn't real." THIS is our chief problem. I suspect because of our fractured and wounded society, people keep going back to the news monopolies--no matter how often they are lied to--as to an umbilical cord to "the nation." They need that sense of connectedness--even if it's a delusion. So we need to break into that delusion, and it's not easy. It's an emotional attachment in traumatic times.
But most people remember election night--how Kerry was winning all day, and then, suddenly, somehow, didn't win. So, one key fact that might help is that the news monopolies LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON ELECTION DAY ABOUT THE RESULT OF THE EXIT POLLS. They put FALSE NUMBERS on everybody's TV screens--they CHANGED the exit poll numbers (which Kerry won handily) to fit the official result (Bush won), thus depriving everyone of major evidence of election fraud. To me, this is just incredible--the worst journalistic crime ever.
If people could only grasp the import of this journalistic crime, they might begin to wean themselves from the DELUSION that the news monopolies are more or less giving them the truth--or rather (since some of the brainwashed actually know they are being lied to; they're not stupid), to wean them from the NEED to be plugged into this delusion that the news monopolies create: that Bush is our president, that he was elected, that there is a big rightwing movement in the country, that their "news" IS "the nation"--that it represents the REALITY of "the nation"--that there is a "debate" about Social Security, and all the rest. The "news" as brought to you by the news monopolies is an almost complete and total falsehood--the only thing real being that the Bush Cartel has POWER, which is not the same thing as legitimacy or "consent of the governed." All the "debates" are being invented out of rightwing "think tanks" for the purpose of robbing us blind, and are being promulgated by the news monopolies; there is nothing real or legitimate about it.
Their damned lie about the exit polls helps to expose who they are and what they are doing. (This election CRIED OUT for verification. Instead, they gave us phony numbers!)
With some people, the problem (brainwashing) is very serious--and you may have to back off as to any barrage of facts and truth, and simply act to bolster their powers of independent thought. Buck them up! Praise them for any creative thinking and independent judgment. Show respect for their intelligence. And hope for the best.
2. This problem of the umbilical cord to "the nation," and the brainwashing that is associated with it, is RELATED TO the problem of: WHY ARE THE DEMOCRATS SILENT? Some Democratic leaders themselves are brainwashed! THEY think, "if it's not 'in the news,' it's not real." And the level of ignorance among Democratic leaders on election systems is amazing! They themsevles need educating. Ordinary people like to think that people in government are somehow taking care of things. Boy, are they wrong!
There is also a serious problem of corruption in the Democratic Party--both the corruption that was wrought by the $4+ billion in HAVA money that was infused into the states (corrupting state and local election officials), AND military-industrial and pro-Israel corruption--billions of dollars pouring into Israel from US coffers for military expenditures, and billions and billions and billions of dollars poured into the Iraq war, much of it misspent, stolen or lost (!). Think what this enormous porkbarrel is doing to Democratic leaders. For one thing, it has resulted in many of them just sitting back and permitting an entirely illegal and corrupt war to proceed. They DON'T CARE if fascists are in power--and I think some didn't really want to win the election. (They'd just as soon Bush take the rap for the deaths and the financial cost--which serve their purposes and the purposes of their donors.) I'm afraid that some Democrats are quite guilty of this kind of corruption. And it suits them to look the other way on election fraud.
Given these two kinds of corruption, and the collusion of the news monopolies, any honest Democrat doesn't have much of a chance in making the case for election fraud, or election reform--even if the case for election fraud is blatantly obvious. (And opinion polls keep reinforcing it--Bush down to the low 40s in approval, with miserable approval ratings over the last year, and up to 70% of Americans disagreeing with every major Bush policy.) All the more credit to John Conyers, Barbara Boxer and the few others who have bravely stood up. (If only other Democrats--the honest ones--would realize that they represent the vast majority of the country, and start acting like it!)
The question, Why are the Democrats silent? is not easy to answer. It's a complex answer. And the failure of the Democratic Party on the matter of election fraud started long before the election. They should have bloody well burned down the Capitol over Bush partisans owning and controlling our election system! Their failure to cry the alarm on this was catastrophic! (And I don't care how bad the news monopolies are! They needed to MAKE that the issue--our fraudulent election SYSTEM!)
3. I agree with GuvWorld's point about the advantage to the Bush Cartel of making the election result "unknowable." Sowing confusion, doubt, muddiness, getting everybody arguing, with resolution of the matter being nearly impossible. It's a classic corporate propaganda technique (buy off one or two scientists to deny global warming, and get them lots of air time in corrupt news media, and thus cast doubts and shadows over the overwhelming evidence and scientific consensus on this matter). Our response should be CLARITY. FACTS. PRINCIPLES. UN-muddy the waters! They're just buying time (to loot us and mess with us more thoroughly). The truth will out!
And don't get caught up in side arguments--like this absurd "reluctant Bush responder" B.S. that the news monopolies have pushed, to try to explain Kerry's win of the exit polls; or VVPAT vs. VVPB--what we want is an end to privatization of our elections, and Diebold, ES&S and other private, partisan companies out of the election business! Openness and transparency--we want our democracy back! The point about paper ballots (VVPB) is important, but it is not central. What is central is that THESE CRIMINALS ARE DARING TO MESS WITH OUR ELECTIONS and are getting away with it!
4. I'm not sure about this business of making election reform a non-partisan issue. Yes, we should try to appeal to fair-minded Republicans (what few there may be these days), and especially to Republicans who voted for Kerry (and whose votes were likely stolen). But the stolen election was NOT a non-partisan matter. And Bushites owning and controlling our election system is NOT a non-partisan matter. This is in fact a diabolical Bush-Republican PLOT to take over the country--a fascist coup! Democrats have a right to be furious about this--and SHOULD be furious about it. It injured everyone--it injured our country, perhaps mortally--but most of the blood was Democratic. Republicans--and especially Bush Republicans--are the MINORITY. The facts scream at us that this is true. They have literally stolen the country from the majority, which is Democratic.
The Democrats blew the Republicans away in new voter registration in 2004--nearly 60/40. People were flocking to the Democratic Party! And most new voters, Independent voters and Nader voters voted for Kerry! Bush HAS NO MANDATE, and DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING CLOSE TO MAJORITY SUPPORT! So, this is BOTH an American AND a partisan matter.
5. People concerned with Soccer. Have compassion. What's happened to this country is a lot to take in. It has been very, very traumatic--from 11/2000, thru 9/11, thru the Iraq war, through 11/2004, to now. People react to trauma in different ways--some of it for self-protection, and some of it irrational. They are likely just trying to protect themselves from very harsh reality, and trying to create some little bubble of safety to live in (or retreat to). Their facade might be convincing--but don't believe for a minute that they are not concerned about their own and their children's future. I think that those who are truly oblivious are rare. Much more common are those who SEEM oblivious, but are not really. And we do have to keep body and soul together--and care for children and others--as well as get relief from the ugly and oppressive darkness that hovers over our country.
Grasping that our democracy is nearly gone, that the news monopolies are frigging liars and war profiteers, that our elections are fraudulent, and that the entire government is an illegitimate delusion, is really, really hard. Go easy on people! Forgive them! And never, never give up on them! Give them tasks appropriate to their ability to take in what's going on (sign a petition, circulate a petition, write a letter, read an article and pass it along, make a sign for someone else to carry even if they can't go to the protest--like that), and let their inherent good-heartedness, generosity, intelligence and love of justice unfold! We are a practical people--be specific in your remedies and give them something to do!