Calling all Namedroppers! Here's your opportunity to shine!
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Wed Jun-08-05 02:12 AM
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Calling all Namedroppers! Here's your opportunity to shine! |
I'm looking for ways to contact particular "notable" people to invite their participation in the Election Assessment Hearing in Houston June 29. I don't want to post the list of names here for tactical reasons. If you know anyone well known in the following fields who you have a way to contact personally, and if you'd be willing to contact them if they're on my list or share their contact information, please PM me:
media government religion entertainment-industry activists
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Mon Jun-13-05 06:51 AM
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1. kick for truth on June 29th... |
if not on June 30th at the Carter/Baker Election Reform Hearing.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:12 AM
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