E S & S is pursuing an aggressive predatory business strategy which seems to be rendering the concept of Open Source Code software null and void. ES & S is actively engaged in buying up or partnering up with companies who are producing legitimate, viable options to the E S & S product line. By controlling these other products, they are able to maintain their grip on the vote recording, counting and tabulation process throughout America. Their financial relationships to the companies which they "partner" up with are deceptively not clear. They find companies who have put in a few years worth of R&D work and investment into developing their product and they have not yet generated any income, so in all likely hood, are in dire need of an infusion of money to continue to exist. Or, they may be offered the old proverbial deal which they could not refuse. Aside from the obvious fact of controlling the vote tabulation, the business aspect of this is the lucrative future revenue generated by the service, maintenance, and software and ballot needs for each election. These services are done through ES &S, not the company whose product they are selling. As in the case of AutoMark, although the Brand Name is AutoMark, the service is done through E S &S. Which means ES &S writes the software for each election.And bills for said service. Note also, that the Certification and Qualification process is done through the E S & S name, NOT through the AutoMark name. The one "Partnership" which most are aware of is the AutoMark deal. However, there are two others. The first "partnership" is a joint venture between E S & S and Election Data Corporation, maker of the Inka Vote System, as used in L.A. County. This was unveiled at the recent L.A. County demonstration of the L.A. County InkaVote HAVA upgrade Equipment proposal. We thought that that InkaVote, thru Election Data Corp, was going to be the only bidder on the project. However, Inka Vote did not submit a bid. Instead, the bid and proposal was submitted by E S & S, and after a bit of peeling away the layers, it was noted that this was a joint venture. So, now L.A. County will not be free of the E S & S / Diebold stranglehold. The third "Partnership" is a still developing situation with OVC-Open Voting Consortium. Now it is a well known fact that OVC is grossly underfunded. And their integrity is unquestionable, as is their dedication. However, yesterday we learned that they have been approached by E S &S about some kind of interaction, i.e. some type of "partnership". E S &S is actively and aggressively pursuing a plan to take over and control any viable alternative option to their product line and stranglehold grip on Voting in America. Which leaves us to ask, have they found a way exploit the concept of Open Source code software, and has that now become a false sense of security for our movement and should we now stop promoting open source code equipment. So far, Accupoll has been able to stay clear of any relationship with E S & S. Something which we need to seriously ponder. Inquiring Minds Wanna Know