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Peace Patriot Please Publish!

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chrisclub Donating Member (73 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 12:31 PM
Original message
Peace Patriot Please Publish!
Please send your posts to the Newspapers.

Your writing on the Election Fraud is the best I have read Anywhere.

Please send your comments to the Newspapers that have not yet been taken over Karl Rove.

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-05 02:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. Well, thank you, chrisclub! I will consider it. My experience with..
...the news monopolies is not a good one. They are not interested in facts and truth on this matter (--the Chic Trib's suppression of Bob Koelher's columns on election fraud being a good example), nor on other matters that I have been concerned about. There are only a few newspapers and journals who have not drunk the Koolaid in exchange for war profits. Maybe I'll try to the Lone Star Iconoclast (--great local paper in Bush's own home town; do subscribe if you haven't; they are also on line).

I've felt that I WAS/AM publishing my views and analysis of the 2004 so-called election here, at DU. It's a form of publication these days--probably gets better circulation than a lot of the monopoly rags. And I think I would be more inclined to do a web site than to bother with the print media (in its present condition).

Also, a lot of what I've had to say has been in the context of particular DU discussions, and will have to be re-organized, edited and compressed. And a lot of publications have word limits (which DU doesn't.) I tend to be wordy--but then, this complex fraud, and the dire situation that our country is in, require adequate explanation, facts and details, and MUST have a focus on solutions as well--so as not to utterly depress and disempower people--and that, too, requires yet more words on a complex topic, electronic voting, and our election system in general.

But, as I said, I'll give it some thought.

Thanks again for the suggestion! It is great to be appreciated, and very kind of you to say so!
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