Iron Curtain of the corporate news monopolies, and are more oppressed every day by millions of lost jobs, medical care and retirement systems they can no longer trust, and many other oppressions including the ghastly burdens of unjust war and massive thievery by the rich, and who trying to hold their lives and their families together, and often taking care of the sick, the old and the young.
Most Americans are neither stupid nor lazy. They figured out the truth about the Bush Cartel and got organized and got all their non-voting friends, family members, and co-workers to register and vote (the Democrats blew the Bushites away in new voter registration in 2004, nearly 60/40), and produced a huge turnout, the biggest in history, with most new voters, Independent voters and Nader voters voting for Kerry, and voted the Bushites out of office, overwhelmingly--despite relentless propaganda by Bush's lapdog press. That's pretty smart, I think. And not lazy.
Now what we have is a very poorly informed, deeply puzzled, disenfranchised, disempowered and somewhat depressed populace who badly need the help of those of us who have figured out what's wrong--a fraudulent election SYSTEM, that must be repaired NOW, and can only be repaired at the state/local level.
People must surely be wondering by now about Bush's dismal approval ratings. Someone told me today that it had sunk to 35%!!!! It was at only 49% on his inauguration day--already unprecedented as to low approval for a recently "re-elected," 2nd term president--and was so low before the election that Zogby said he could not win (and was right!). This is in addition to 60% to 70% of Americans disapproving of every major Bush policy, foreign and domestic--including my favorite, 63% of Americans disapprove of torturing prisoners UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
The truth is that the Bush Cartel could not retain power without election fraud. And the fraud they committed in 2004 is going to become very apparent to most Americans, very soon, in my opinion.
It's a very tense time, because these people are desperate. They are so corrupt that they cannot afford to lose power--they would all soon be in jail if they do. So we may possibly see some desperate actions--or, short of that, some compromises to try to keep the heat off. And we're seeing some of that already. For instance, I picked up somewhere that there are actually some Republicans involved in a movement to shut down Guantanamo Bay, and in a movement to get the Bush Cartel to commit to a withdrawal schedule for Iraq; Republican Congress people are apparently hearing it from constituents on some of the more extreme Bush policies. Also, the Downing Street memo, the "coingate" scandal in Ohio, the "lost" billions in Iraq, the federal deficit, their lies and falsified scientific reports about global warming and other dire matters are all finally gathering momentum toward a complete discrediting of this regime.
The lies will not stand. The truth will out. And our country and our democracy will make it through this, and come out an even better people because of it. Have faith! And don't give up on people who are traumatized and depressed, and uninformed, in denial or feeling defeated. Don't mistake those things for defects of character. (Sure, there are some lazy and stupid Americans--as in any population--but I simply don't believe that it's typical, and I think the facts bear me out.)