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Update on DSM hearings: Re-air C-span 2 NOW! 8pm ET (Bradblog)

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Amaryllis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 06:34 PM
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Update on DSM hearings: Re-air C-span 2 NOW! 8pm ET (Bradblog)
Edited on Thu Jun-16-05 06:35 PM by Amaryllis
Hey, I know it's not election stuff, but don't you wanna know about this? If we can crack this, maybe we can crack election fraud!

The hearing will re-air on C-SPAN 2 tonight, Thursday, at 8pm ET, and late-night on C-SPAN 1 at 1:56am Friday “morning”, And again on Friday at 8pm ET...
As well...Complete Audio is now posted along with the previously posted “raw notes” at:
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livvy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 06:47 PM
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1. It's already started. It's on now 7:45 EST. n/t
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LightningFlash Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-16-05 07:08 PM
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2. Historical events in the making...
But this has nothing to do with election fraud and coingate, although they are all connected in the end....They had to secure point A to receive point B, in order for Blackwell to alter the law in Ohio and the votes, and for Thomas Noe to pay for the process. And for all of them to get to go to war in the countries they wanted.
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kster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-18-05 01:09 AM
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3. Got every thing to do
with the election theft this scam probably was 20 years in the making,and it took * 's stupid ass 5 years to screw it up, and get the scam unraveled.

They lied us into war, kept our eye off the ball while they were parading their electronic vote eating machines across the country.

They selected their president while they put us through a make believe election. All them fancy electronic vote eating machines they could have been in power forever. The problem for them is they are BUSTED.

They blew their cover when they selected a morAn to run against Kerry and that wasn't bad enough they gave the morAn (what was it) 3.5 million more votes than Kerry, making it even more unbelievable.

A couple of thousand vote win for * would have made it (not any more believable) but they may not have got busted so fast.

We got them, only a matter of time now.........NGU

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