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What happened in Sacramento today?

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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 12:03 AM
Original message
What happened in Sacramento today?
I couldn't attend the Diebold hearing, since I'm coordinating media for the upcoming Conyers rally/press conference in San Diego next week. Could someone please update me on what transpired?

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garybeck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 01:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. everyone stayed home to watch the DSM hearings
hope not :)
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GuvWurld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 03:34 AM
Response to Original message
2. I just got back
I can't write too much right now but here are highlights:

Packed (SRO) with election reformers

Took no shit from a clearly partisan panel chair who opened by trash talking Shelley - I mean audience members shouted him down

First agenda item was Diebold; one after another fabulous speakers gave great testimony in opposition - no one approved; at 12:30 lunch break was called; one-sided public comment then continued until almost 4pm; they really did give everyone who signed up a chance to speak

After a 4pm break they moved to agenda item #2, ES&S; staff reported and then two out-of-town experts got to testify before the hearing was shut down to be continued tomorrow with public comment

They will also have to get through two other agenda items with public comment: Federal Qualification Process Report and Other Business

In response to specific question, the panel members would not say when exactly they would make their decision; they emphasized that public comment will be open for written submission until 6/30

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garybeck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 04:02 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. good work! n/t
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pauldp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 12:13 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Thank You Thank You for the report!!
You've lifted my spirits today. I look forward to hearing more.
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emlev Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 02:25 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. Oh, GuvWurld, I wanted to meet you! Sorry we missed each other.
Do you know if anyone was able to go back today?
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GuvWurld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 03:16 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Anyone?
I know there were lots of us there from out of town, and surely some of us can't return today. But I highly doubt there won't be *anyone* there today.

Please post any observations or anecdotes from your day yesterday. And I too am sorry we didn't connect :-(
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Amaryllis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 04:06 PM
Response to Reply #2
9. Does this panel get to decide the fate of CA? Not the legislature? What
exactly will they be deciding? I've only been peripherally following this, although I kept kicking the activism threads on it.
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emlev Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 07:15 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. They recommend to the SoS, who decides
At least that's my understanding. And from what I hear, the SoS usually does what the VSPP wants. But this is a new SoS, so how important is the tradition? I don’t know. Was Shelley following VSPP recommendations when he decertified Diebold? I don’t know that either.
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byronius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 03:26 PM
Response to Original message
7. Let me briefly sketch my personal highlights.
9AM: I approach a small crowd outside the front of the Secretary of State building. I stand and hold my giant sign, proclaiming 'Massive Voter Fraud', and 'Voter Fraud is Treason', and make eye contact with people passing. Mostly smiles and thumbs-up, some deep grimaces.

10AM: In we go. No signs allowed, except for the cool 'file folder' signs passed out. I sign a speaker card.

The meeting open with Assistant Secretary of State Wood launching a political diatribe (accusing the prior administration of gross mismanagement) that met with outrage from the audience. Shouts of "Don't Even!!" and "Get on with the business!!" erupted. It became apparent to me at that point that the hearing was going to be useless, and that the panel fully intended to certify all machines and ram them down the throats of California. Wood was supercilious, contempuous, and acting like an evil molesting stepfather who relishes the growing complaints of his victim. Sorry, but that's what I saw. Evil.

After the useless beginning stuff came expert testimony. Many obviously well-informed programmers and people with election experience. I thought it was great, informative, and moving -- one in particular: the guy in the flowered shirt proposing that we simply ask the UC Berkley Computer Science department to whip up a little code for the hardware. It was a great idea. Cheap, and using current resources. No wireless parts, no modem transmission. He was so damned right. That guy for Governor.

Public comment after lunch. All of it heartfelt, all of it absolutely the best demonstration of True American Spirit I have seen in a long time. One of my favorites:

--the Really Old Guy: 'I don't trust my government one bit!'

Everyone had something relevant to say. The psychologist who laid it out so clearly: If people can't trust that their vote is counted, then revolution becomes necessary. The guy in the white polo who demanded that Panel member Clark recuse himself because he had personally purchased Diebold machines for Alameda County. He was great; loud, full of truth -- "There is no Free Press in this country!!" The black woman who spoke with a moving voice about how her ancestors had been murdered for trying to vote -- "I will never give up!" I was on my feet, shouting "Never!". The many, many voices of reason -- Registrars, former election organizers, citizens -- it was great.

Bev Harris and her investigator spoke. We were all limited to two minutes, and were prohibited from lending our minutes to others by a last-minute procedural crime, typically Republican behavior. Someone tried -- Wood would have none of it. Weasel in a suit. Damn.

When my turn came, I talked about a sticker I had seen, "Five Million Fake Votes". I tried to speak to their hearts, as a patriotic American -- but they couldn't hear me through the flameproof suits.

Later, another expert witness, who identified herself as such and spoke eloquently about past investigations was interrupted by Wood, who apparently did not like her message and attempted to reclassify her status down to public comment (two minutes) in the middle of her presentation. She bravely refused; Wood tried to talk her down. She again refused, and they called in security. When one security guard walked towards her, the crowd rose as one -- "DON'T YOU DARE!!" and "LET HER SPEAK!!". He backed off, and they allowed her to finish. I believe that if the security guard had touched her, we would have stormed the stage. I've never been part of civil violence in the Cause of American Justice before. I have to admit -- I was ready.

That's about it. Wood had to hold the hearing by law, but I'm certain that not a word was heard by these ur-people. I was looking at the heart of the beast. I'm afraid California may be doomed. We must throw these criminals out of office, and drive them back under the rocks from which they came. I witnessed The Gangster at work. Damn them to hell. May they all experience Instant Karma.

Anyway. I'm glad I was there.

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Amaryllis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Wow! Thanks for the report.
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rightfoot Donating Member (41 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 08:08 PM
Response to Reply #7
12. The woman who stood up to them must be Joan Quin
from BBV site

"For example, Sacramento attorney Joan Quin showed unwavering resolve to speak, when California officials ommitted her from the list of speakers and then, after she asserted her right to speak, interrupted her, and then tried to talk over her. She continued to speak even when two security guards showed up. "
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nicknameless Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 02:12 AM
Response to Reply #7
15. Thank you for being there and speaking up for our state!
It's purely nauseating to hear a first-hand account of the scum in suits. They're in control of California now. Our (allegedly) Democratic Legislature gave our state away to them.

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Kelvin Mace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 03:14 PM
Response to Reply #7
17. Bev Harris and Jim March sold out Cal;ifornia months ago
They have ZERO credibility as reformers.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 06:00 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. How so, Kelvin Mace--I mean, specifically in California, and with regard
to the BBV report on June 16, posted below on June 17, and the CURRENT situation. From the report below, it seems to me that BBV gave good and credible testimony, and it was March who got us a 30 day extension of public comment, by catching the Panel in a procedural error. I am interested in any and all public comments on this matter. And if something in the BBV report is not credible, I would like to know what it is.

The report gels with other reports on the tenor of the hearing, and gives more detail on the partisanship, the hostility to the public, and the procedural errors of this Panel. The testimony of four people is mentioned, including Kathleen Wynne and Harri Hursti. Have you anything against these two testifiers? Is there anything in this BBV report, by any of the BBV testifiers, that is not credible?

"Sold out California" is a generalized allegation. It tells me nothing. I want to know what this means specifically with regard to California and with regard to the fight that we are in now with Schwarz/Bush Cartel appointee Bruce McPherson. And PLEASE!!!!!!--I don't want to hear ANY old information on BBV that is not directly relevant to this situation. And God knows I don't want to re-ignite that flame war.

But if you have some helpful, practical, productive information about our current situation, please share it.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 04:48 AM
Response to Reply #18
21. Where was Bev Harris when they were frying Shelley
so obviously for decertifying Diebold? Did she comment during the lynching? That could have been helpful.

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nicknameless Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-22-05 04:31 PM
Response to Reply #21
34. I looked to the BBV (org) site when all of that was going on.
I was puzzled to find that people there were blasting Shelley for only decertifying some of the Diebold machines instead of all of them.

How on earth did they think that a Republican SoS would be better?!!
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Kelvin Mace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 10:43 AM
Response to Reply #18
23. Bev engaged in a "qui tam" law suit in California
against Diebold. This, in and of itself would not be a big deal unless you understand that Bev Harris VICIOULSY attacked other activists in the Summer of 2003 and accused them of "selling out for qui tam money".

Jul-05-03, 10:24 PM (ET)
The TRUTH behind the demands for Black Box findings

A Qui Tam suit.

Each of the key researchers on this issue discussed the possibility of filing for Qui Tam money. The partipants deserve respect for what I feel is a nearly heart-stopping show of honor, each and every one of the researchers turned down the possibility to make millions, deciding that the issue of democracy was too important to cash in and shut up.

Here's the deal on Qui Tam: Yes, you can file, and this gives you protection, BUT: From the moment you file, it all goes under federal seal.

Who controls whether the lawsuit will see the light of day? Basically, John Ashcroft.

When we discussed it amongst ourselves, we each independently came to the conclusion that doing this for money was the wrong thing to do, and doing something that will put a federal gag order on what's wrong with voting machines is a VERY wrong thing to do.

We aren't soiling ourselves with Qui Tam money. Go for it. And if you don't end up disappeared (because remember, Ashcroft gets a full 60 days when you can't even tell people what you know or that you filed the case), and if under some bizarre circumstance Ashcroft appoints a federal judge who will actually treat your case fairly (hah!), and if you stand up to what is sure to be a relentless attempt to destroy your credibility in every way, and if your evidence proves your case, you will split up a few hundred million dollars.

Later Bev would accuse people of "stealing" her work in order to file a qui tam suit. She would accuse MANY people of selling out, when in fact, she was working behind the scenes to file such a law suit herself.

The matter erupted when Bev first annnounced the law suit.

The suit was eventually settled with Deibold paying a token fine, admitting nothing and Bev and Jim getting $76,000 a piece. The suit was dismissed "with prejudice" meaning the issues raised in the suit can never be brought up again in California.

Bev and Jim got cash, California got "squat minus".

Jim March made his reasons for the law suits VERY plain in this posting in 2004. In explaining his involvement in the suit (and in another one agaionst ViaCom, Jim said:

What does it all mean?

It means Viacom and Diebold are now engaged in a race to see who can make ol' Jim a millionaire first

That is Bev's partner (until he meets the same fate as all others who have helped Bev)and a member of the BBV Foundation board speaking.

PM me and I'll be happy to provide you with many more links documenting Bev's treachery.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 01:49 PM
Response to Reply #23
26. Kelvin Mace, thank your for this information, and for your thoughtful
reply. It seems to me that you have pinpointed exactly how the BBV legal action may have hurt us in California, in the current situation. I greatly appreciate it. That is exactly what I asked for. Your information is very helpful.

Does anyone know the details of the gag order, what it applies to? I don't know this suit at all. Did it pertain to Diebold's lies to Shelley about the federal certification of their machines? Is there a gag order? Who is gagged? In what way? Does it mean that if someone were to sue Diebold NOW--an unrelated party--they couldn't bring up this other information? This might influence the legal approach that one would take NOW--and maybe steer legal activists more to a LandShark approach (the anti-constitutional nature of "privatized" election systems).

To the poster who asked, where was BBV when Shelley went down? I would ask, where were we ALL? I only caught onto it, fully, when the plot was well on its way to completion, and all I could do was write useless letters, send a contribution to his legal fund, and send condolences. Lord, do I kick myself for not seeing that coming!

I don't know that BBV could have done anything about it. The CA Dem leaders (damn them all!) were in lockstep retreat about it. Cowards! Game-players! Colluders! But, boy, was it an eye-opener! We have a serious, serious problem of corruption within the Dem Party on electronic voting, as well as a fear syndrome at work (who are they going to "get" next?).

BBV was one--if not the key--entity that got Shelley educated about electronic voting, if I understand things correctly. Perhaps it was best that they remain silent. I don't have enough information to judge that. But I do strongly suspect that it was a Bush Cartel black ops/secret dossier assault on the one official in the country really standing up to their Diebold donors, and I don't know that any of us--apart from the Dem Party leaders--could have stopped it.

The controversy about the Qui Tam lawsuit may contain the lesson that we mustn't invest our hopes for restoring our right to vote in one organization, or one activist, or one lawsuit--and that there is not going to be any "white knight" or sudden, dramatic victory on some front (say, legal) to save us. We have to work (and hope) more democratically, each one doing his/her part, with the goal being eventual consensus and a general realization in the country of how corrupted the election system is, and that fixing it is priority #1 for restoring majority rule.

That's what strikes me about the BBV controversy here at DU--huge disappointment and embitterment, because there were such high hopes of a quick, easy exposure of the 2004 election fraud, and the fraudulent election system.

Another thing that strikes me about the Qui Tam lawsuit situation, as you describe it, is not so much that BBV went ahead and did it (individual legal activists and citizen litigants have to make their own judgment about such things, because it is THEIR necks that are on the line, and they may well have been bled dry by the struggle) but the blatant hypocrisy of stating things like, putting "a federal gag order on what's wrong with voting machines is a very WRONG thing to do," dissing other activists for doing that, and then doing it yourself. I can see why this caused an uproar. I can also see why BBV might have changed their position on it (since other activists went and did it, they may have themselves felt betrayed; i.e., that it was their work, or partly their work, that made such a suit possible, and if it was going to happen anyway, they shouldn't be cut out of it.)

I think it's time to try to gain some wisdom from this controversy--get over the wounds that it has inflicted, and LEARN from it. I respect any and all individual positions on whom they would work with, and whom they would trust. I do NOT mean "shake hands and make it up." That would be quite disrespectful of me. I just mean, how does it help us, if at all? What have we learned?

One of the lessons--not a new one really, but worth reiterating--is that Corporate Rule denies citizens most forums for expressing our opinions, and it therefore becomes extremely expensive and draining to gain publicity for what may be extremely important information and viewpoints. Activists are made desperate--both financially and psychically. When a rare opportunity arises to obtain a small cushion against disaster, or just to keep body and soul together, they can end up fighting like cats and dogs about it (I've seen it happen before in different citizen activist movements.) I've also seen the Corporate Rulers throw bones at people, and deliberately try to stir up trouble and division.

Exhausted activists--who may have given their all and then some for a long time, who may have been living in fear, who may have ego problems (what public truthteller doesn't?, or financial problems (common!)--are easy prey for "divide and conquer" tactics, as well as for "self-destruct" squabbles.

Then come all the accusations--lies! betrayals! hypocrisy! he said/she said!--in a tangle of emotion that almost no one can sort out. When this syndrome shows its ugly head, probably the wisest course is to shut up and walk away, and never look back. (It is too much like the sibling rivalry that may erupt after a parent dies, over family assets--unreason rules!) But of course that is not easy to do. And one side may truly have more of a righteous cause--and have hold of more of the truth--than the other.

Once again, the lesson: Put your hope in democracy, and in the American people as a collective democratic body, and not in individual leaders. How often do leaders have to betray us, for us to learn this lesson?! And focus on gaining consensus in a long term effort that combines the wisdom, knowledge and courage of many people, not just a few.

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Kelvin Mace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 03:18 PM
Response to Reply #26
27. Couple of points
Bev became involved with the lawsuit in November 2003 and kept mum about it until Spring 2004.

The main way the law suit hurt our cause was the dismissal "with prejudice". By filing the suit, Bev opened the door for the state to step in and take over the suit, which they did. Once that happened, it was quickly and ineffectively settled without any real remedy and all the evidence introduced against Diebold was then lost for future actions.

Bev tried to claim she was surprised by the settlement, but I find that VERY hard to believe since it was pretty much ordained as soon as the state entered the picture.

To my knowledge, NO activist other than Bev has filed a qui tam suit. No one intended to, especially those accused by Bev of having done so (one of Bev's defenses at the time was that other law suits had been filed and she would be proved right. Over a year later no such suit has surfaced). Bev did not have the excuse that other activists had filed such a suit, so why shouldn't she.

Bev also doesn't have the defense of people "trading on her work", since it was Bev who appropriated other people's work as her own.

The simple truth is that the only person to my certain knowledge to make money on BBV, was Bev Harris and Jim March. BBV raised over a million dollars in Nov 2004. To date, no accounting of the money has been shown.

What have we learned? The usual, be skeptical. There are a lot of people out fighting against BBV. Look at their track record. The majority of them are not really find-raising on the back of sensational promises of over-turning elections. They are just fighting the fight, one state at a time.
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JunkYardDogg Donating Member (618 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 06:51 PM
Response to Reply #17
19. They were there, you weren't
I work with Jim almost every day on this
and I have no problems with him
And nobody has Ever Accussed me of being Naive
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Kelvin Mace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 10:21 AM
Response to Reply #19
22. No, I will never stand on a stage with Jim March or Bev Harris
if you have no problem working with Freepers and liars, good for you.

Once again you use the tired cliche that because I do not agree with and oppose Bev Harris and her ilk I do not support the issue.

Give it a rest.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-20-05 09:57 PM
Response to Reply #7
20. Deleted message
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 12:19 PM
Response to Reply #20
24. juangregorio, you give yourself away with the phrase "voter fraud,"
and then strip yourself naked by stating your desire to disenfranchise "red staters," "gangstas," and "SF leather-dykes," and by calling voters "morons" and "stupid phucks."

Such nastiness, dear. Go wash your mouth out with soap.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 01:31 PM
Response to Reply #24
25. Deleted message
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byronius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 07:34 PM
Response to Reply #25
28. I hear you, man.
Lean and mean you are. You must be one hell of a guy to toss shit like that around. Yeah, one hell of a guy. Watch, I can do it, too: Ain't chew ever read no Kafka, little pony? Don't chew know how ta git along with the other children? It's just great when someone enters the civil discourse with self-puffy biting wit. Don't do nothing fer nobody, but it sure feels good to hit the send button. Hee hee. Yeah. That'll teach 'em. Let me guess. Closet Nihilist? Oops, gotcha.
When good people are working up something good, there's always a bitter wallflower hanging out waiting to spit in the dough. I know you, man. You're pegged, rudeboy.

PS: Liberal Sentimentality Kicks Ass! Just takes longer than Fascist Sentimentality.

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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 08:01 PM
Response to Reply #28
29. Deleted message
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byronius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 08:08 PM
Response to Reply #29
30. Ahhh. Doom-boy. Ladies, and Gentlemen, meet an old friend of mine.
Moderators -- JuanGregorio and I are old friend/enemies. Please consider his comments about me to be in that vein.

Gregorio, don't do this.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 08:18 PM
Response to Reply #30
31. Deleted message
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 10:42 PM
Response to Reply #30
32. Deleted message
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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-21-05 10:49 PM
Response to Reply #7
This is the most compelling narrative I've read on meetings like this. I cannot imagine the intensity in the room and the passion for truth and fairness. The change in Secretary of State is stunning, what weakness on the part of the legislature. You and your brave colleagues will open the minds of Californians quickly. I know that the kernel of intensity in that room will spread rapidly. After all, look at all the wonderful protests out in the Great State by teachers, nurses, public safety people. I have very close friends from college (years ago) who are involved in those and they say that the demonstrations are like celebrations of democracy. Arnie had better not try to fix the oh so special election. He will enlist the tens of thousands of demonstrators and millions more into a raging army of voting rights advocates.

Just amazing!
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rightfoot Donating Member (41 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-17-05 07:53 PM
Response to Original message
11. Report on Sacramento hearing -- serious stuff going on
This is the report on the June 16 meeting from BBV


The growing split between government and taxpayers was evidenced at the California voting systems hearing on June 16. There were many first timers at the public hearing, a sign of revival for our Democracy. Hundreds of ordinary citizens filled the generous-sized auditorium to standing room only. Connie McCormack, Los Angeles County Registrar of Elections, and Deborah Hench, San Joaquin County Registrar, showed up to chastise taxpayers (McCormack) and praise Diebold (Hench).

Partisanship problems

The meeting got off to a contentious start when the assistant secretary of state began with a political statement attacking former Secretary of State Kevin Shelley. The crowd shouted at him, waving their agendas, and several citizens expressed outrage at this attempt to turn a nonpartisan voting system meeting into a partisan speechmaking opportunity.

Gamesmanship to reduce expert testimony

New California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson committed several procedural gaffs. His department announced that the expert testimony provision normally followed under public meetings law would not be allowed, and he also changed the public meeting procedures to prohibit "time waiving" to allow citizens to give their own speaking time to experts or others.

This "no expert testimony" rule was reversed just before the hearing opened, too late for experts to rearrange their schedules in order to attend and make presentations. Panel members began the meeting 30 minutes late and then, after finally allowing experts to speak, chided them for taking too long to speak, urging the last-minute and hastily assembled experts to finish before lunch.

Even though we knew that the panel intended to block expert testimony, Black Box Voting brought expert Harri Hursti over from Finland to deliver his devastating presentation to the panel.

Hursti testimony derails Diebold security claims

Hursti did no speechmaking, simply stuck to the facts, which leave no doubt that Diebold built a stunning tamper-friendly design into their voting system. This mind-boggling design -- which Diebold does not seem to consider to be a "flaw," but rather, an intended architecture -- sacrifices security for "flexibility." (Read: Tamperability.)

Hursti's no-nonsense testimony, while heavy going for the crowd, was put into the record in such a way as to invoke a fiduciary duty on the California officials to take it seriously or take the consequences.

Hursti was surprised, upon reading the release notes for the new 1.96 series optical scan machine, that the newer versions are even less secure, making it easier to get into the memory card without inside access.

Recent testing by Black Box Voting and Hursti, proved that Diebold optical scan systems use a simply appalling mechanism which makes vote tampering relatively easy to do, yet very difficult to detect. This design is so obviously inappropriate that it should never should have been certified. It's ITA seal of approval and NASED certification indicates that the "experts" are either slipshod or not very expert.

The California voting systems panel asked not a single question of Hursti.

The Diebold damage control man, Marvin Singleton, who works for Public Strategies, a public relations firm handling crisis management PR for Diebold, seemed more interested than the VSPP panel in finding out what Hursti might know. He peered over Hursti's shoulder to look at Hursti's communication device, and tried to engage him in conversation.

California technical expert David Jefferson is no longer on the panel, but is now in the background on an advisory panel. We hold out some hope that, now that he is aware just how crippling the design is to voter integrity, he will perhaps step up to the plate and inform California officials that they must not use this system again. We will watch what he does, after the technical report comes out.

Citizen courage

Dozens of citizens spoke, many prefacing their statements with admissions that they hate doing public speaking, but feel the issue is too important to stay silent on.

Diebold, by the way, pretty much left the building after the first two hours. They sent few representatives and those individuals seemed uninterested in hearing any public remarks.

More BBV testimony

Kathleen Wynne testified about Diebold's habit of paying large sums to grease the procurement railroad, pointing to Cook County's Juan Andrade's $20,000 per month paycheck from Diebold, for lobbying which he has failed to file disclosure documents on.

Bev Harris testified very briefly, trying to salvage the two minutes alloted to her while working around repeated interruptions from the panel. Her testimony went about like this:

"Voting is a public trust. Therefore, the ethics of any vendor purporting to sell a trusted voting system must be examined. What must be examined here is what Diebold Inc. knew, and when-

(Interruption from the panel)

"In 2001, Diebold Inc. made an offer to acquire Global Election Systems. Soon after this offer, the purchase price offered by Diebold appeared to have been heavily discounted -- 25 percent, then another 25 percent, then 50 percent. It appears that Diebold acquired Global almost for free. What was happening while all this discounting was taking place?

"Typically what happens is that due diligence takes place. During due diligence, for a company making products with software, there is an examination of the software by an outside expert. Now, it becomes very important to know what Diebold knew and when, in order to determine whether California should do business with this company at all.

"There are only three possibilities:

"(1) Diebold did not do due diligence on the software. If this is the case, the company is negligent and California should not do business with it-

(Interruption from the panel)

"(2) Or, Diebold did due diligence-

(Interruption from the panel)

"(2) Or, Diebold did due diligence, found the design flaws, but chose to sell the products anyway. If this is the case, the company is negligent and California should not do business with it.

"(3) Or, Diebold found the design flaws, and wanted them in there. If this is the case, California must not do business with this company."

Jim March shot a heads up to the panel, listing problem after problem that had been proven with Diebold. He ended with a question on the odds -- "we are not going to stop looking into this," he said. "and if you certify, you are betting that Diebold will never lose a single round with us." All it takes is ONE investigation dealing a knockout punch, and Diebold Election Systems will be gone.

Committing taxpayer money on Diebold may not turn out to be a good bet.

(side note): When one government official placed a request to have Black Box Voting board member Jim March's motorcycle towed, another official pulled him out of the meeting to rescue his cycle. Perhaps what was objected to was not its parking, but its freedom of speech: On March's motocycle, paid for with the proceeds of a Diebold Qui Tam (false claims lawsuit), are the words "Paid for by LieBold."

More procedural problems

Another gaff committed by the California government was this: The report from California on new systems must come out within 30 days after examining the system. They examined the new systems on April 1, making May 1 the deadline for their report. However, they did not publish the report until June 10 -- one day AFTER the deadline for written public comment, which was June 9. This problem was caught by Black Box Voting board member Jim March.

At the meeting June 16, the deadline for written public comment was extended until the end of the month. Therefore, the Black Box report (technical report on memory card tamperability) will get into the public record.

In addition, Jim March and Bev Harris submitted formal requests invoking a California statute to require a special examination of all memory card programming for all Diebold voting systems, touch-screen and optical scan, old and new, in the state of California.

The history of the memory card vulnerability is interesting. A source code review seems to indicate that this problem was created about the time that Bob Urosevich moved to Global Election Systems. Urosevich had earlier co-founded Election Systems & Software. March and Harris have also requested a formal California review of the ES&S memory card structure.


There seems to be some scurrying around in the background to restructure the California Voting Systems and Procedures Panel. The panel did not vote at the public meeting, withholding their votes until later. It is unclear whether Secretary of State McPherson will be taking more control personally, or whether there will be another public meeting for the VSPP vote.

It has become clear that the certification and approval process is either incompetent or a sham, and ordinary citizens are standing up to be counted.

A growing disconnect between the citizenry and their government

Theme for the government and vendor: Recertify a slew of new Diebold products. Theme from the citizenry: Decertify Diebold and invoke the California law banning Diebold from doing business in the state for three years.

Many citizens expressed astonishment that Diebold is even allowed to bid in California nowadays. California officials didn't do their job to decertify this stuff in the first place -- either because they lacked the skill to understand the design flaws, lacked the integrity to take action, or lacked the courage to resist political pressure.

When public officials ignore evidence, give the public two minutes to speak (while granting for-profit vendors hours in private behind closed doors); when public officials steamroll ahead with decisions to certify products from a company with a history of ethics violations -- when public officials do this despite the efforts of those who pay their salaries, then force THE PEOPLE to foot the bill for something we don't want, never asked for, and aren't consulted about -- it starts to become personal.

In fact, the continuing lack of accountability shown by public officials on these matters is bringing THE PEOPLE much closer to uttering three devastating words:

"Taxation without representation"

The size of the crowd and the volume of shouted objections will only grow if the government continues to fail to listen to the will of the people.

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nicknameless Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-19-05 02:15 AM
Response to Reply #11
16. Thank you for this great post, rightfoot!
And welcome to DU!
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-18-05 09:21 AM
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13. GuvWorld and Byronius, profound thanks for you reports!!!
I couldn't go. I had to have a medical operation yesterday. But I helped with media blasts and letters to legislators. (Did no one show up from the CA legislature??).

GuvWorld, I was able to catch your report just before I had to leave for the hospital, and was so grateful for your report! I was then all day incommunicado--no computer, and, of course, there was no news monopoly coverage (that I know of yet--will do a search shortly). Thanks so much for your report!!!! It was very heartening to me to know that the hearing was very well attended and by kickass patriots!

And Byronius, what can I say! Your brilliant, detailed, heartfelt report on this hugely important confrontation between the citizens and The Beast That Has Seized Our Government is so incredible! It reminds me so much of Tom Paine's flaming pamphlets and the Committees of Correspondence! And, of course, of my man, Paul Revere! (In fact, I'm writing an epic poem about our modern Paul Reveres--people like you--after Longfellow, entitled, "November the Second, Two Thousand and Four." This is exactly what you have done on this blog--ridden through the night crying the alarm from citizen to citizen.)

I am open-mouthed with astonishment at the gratuitous attack on Kevin Shelley, and more than ever convinced that he was driven from office precisely because he had sued Diebold and decertified their machines prior to 11/2/04, and for no other reason. I have no doubt now that the charges against him were trumped up, and part of a "black box" secret dossier operation to destroy any public official who stands in the way of Bush Cartel, especially as to their control over our elections.

We can thank Kevin Shelley that we had a more or less honest election in CA on 11/2--with Kerry winning the state by a 10% margin. (It likely should have been 15% to 20%--Barbara Boxer won by the state by 20%--but Shelley hadn't gained full control over the most corrupt county election systems, mostly in the Republican counties, where Boxer inexplicably got her edge vis a vis Kerry--but at least he prevented use of the worst of the electronic systems, the DREs.)

It sounds like there may not have been video of the hearing--no one mentions it. And so it may be that your anecdotal accounts are all we have. More kudos to GuvWorld and Byronius! (I do recall, though, that there is supposed to be a transcription of the proceedings. Let's try to get hold of it.)

Again, profound thanks! I am so heartened by these reports and so proud of us all! The news monopolies can blackhole this story to the ends of the universe, and suck the heart our of democracy, but WE WILL NOT LET THIS DEMOCRACY DIE WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-18-05 11:01 AM
Response to Original message
14. Go here for all the current California threads pulled together...
(including quotes from this one, and link)

"Revolt Against Diebold in Calif.! Wow! Action thread re June 30"
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-22-05 04:52 PM
Response to Original message
35. Yup, good report by rightfoot! I re-posted it on the other thread, with
the first two (down further in the thread).

"Revolt Against Diebold in Calif! Wow! ACTION THREAD re June 30"
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