"Rove was masterful." It's much like their "invisible" get out the vote campaign. Public relations B.S.--the "Big Lie."
The Dems blew the Repubs away in new voter registration in 2004, nearly 60/40.
New voters voted overwhelmingly for Kerry.
Independent voters voted overwhelmingly for Kerry.
Nader voters voted overwhelmingly for Kerry.
Gore 2000 voters (the winners of the popular vote in '00) voted overwhelmingly for Kerry, and got all their non-voting family members, friends and co-workers to register and vote for the first time (the new voters)--indicating great enthusiasm for ousting Bush.
Switch voters (Gore/Bush 2000) were a wash.
So who does that leave?
The "invisible"--which Rove "masterfully" and magically turned into votes for Bush.
Like everything else the Corporate Rulers would like you to believe, it just doesn't add up.
Re: Kerry's concession. I don't think it was a cynical judgment on Kerry's part to let the country go to hell and then pick up the pieces. But I do think that the complete blockade in Congress by Bush "pod people" against any sort of justice on the election may have been a factor in his decision. He was shark food to the corporate news monopolies. They would have ripped him limb from limb. He had a Bush-packed Supreme Court. He had excessively bad and cowardly advisers--the DNC and its ilk--who wouldn't back him in a challenge (that's my guess), and lobbied hard against it. The forces arrayed against a challenge were overwhelming. All he had was the people who voted for him in overwhelming numbers--which he may not have believed on 11/3 (the exit polls said 3%, but it was very likely a 7% to 10% margin of victory, if everyone who wanted to vote for him had been able to do so, and all the votes had been counted)--and he didn't believe in us and in democracy sufficiently to challenge it with "only" the people in support.
Barring direct threats by the Bush Cartel--and we can't count that out--I think this is more or less what happened. Also, the main part of the fraud was hidden--deliberately so, of course--in the Bush Cartel voting machine companies' secret, proprietary software. It was an invalid, unverifiable election, which the people who were advising Kerry on 11/3 had FAILED TO WARN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT, probably due to serious corruption at the state/local level associated with the electronic voting systems (corruption that involves both Dems and Repubs), and the DNC's pro-war stance.
See this thread on the state/local corruption:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x380340I can't judge Kerry's action on 11/3. I think he was in a really bad spot, and we don't know enough about it to make a judgment of him personally. But I DO blame the DNC and the Democratic Party and its leaders in general. They were collusive on Bush's war, and hopelessly corrupt in many ways. They ceased to believe in democracy a long time ago, and detested the grass roots who elected Kerry by a landslide. Though Kerry's stance on the war was weak, as president he would have been beholden to the true majority in the country which has been against the Iraq War from the beginning--as opinion polls have consistently shown--a 60% majority before the invasion; nearly 80% today. I believe that the pro-war Dems advising Kerry did not want a president who was beholden to the anti-war majority in the country.