At least two Florida counties are balking at paperless touch-screen voting machines — and risking lawsuits — as state and federal deadlines loom for buying equipment that allows disabled voters to cast ballots without assistance.
The Volusia County Council rejected a contract this month to buy touch screens to supplement the county's optical-scan ballots. And Leon County Elections Supervisor Ion Sancho says he'd rather wait for a not-yet-approved voting device than buy any paperless machines.
"It appears the disability groups are going to sue them," said Citrus County Elections Supervisor Susan Gill, the head of the statewide association of elections chiefs. Citrus County, which uses optical-scan ballots, expects to add 50 new touch screens in time for a December water district election.
"I'm just hoping and praying and working with Automark that hopefully before too long it can be certified," Bruno said. "I don't like being civilly disobedient... but Volusia County, I believe, is really showing leadership on this."
more... There is so much in this article I couldn't decide which 4 paragraphs to use...Stuff about Sancho being criticized for working with, ES&S vs. Diebold stuff.
Credit to DoYouEverWonder in LBN: