JunkYardDogg, I don't see how they can legally shut down their email box.
I have an email from Bruce McDannold stating that public comment to this email address is accepted: bmcdanno@ss.ca.gov
You wrote (at the
"Do not E-Mail it as the VSPP inbox is full and they are not paying much attention to it.
Bruce McDannold told us that." (--NOTE: the date of this statement was approx. 6/16.)
Letter senders, I would take this caveat from JYD to heart--and FAX or FED EX is you can. If you can't, use the email.
Email to me of June 7, 2005, from Bruce McDannold, re: bmcdanno@ss.ca.gov :
Bruce: "Yes, this address is working and, yes, anyone can submit comment by email."
He sent this email from another of his addresses: mcdannol@ss.ca.gov .
The first email address is listed on the official public meeting notice.
I don't see how they can discount, ignore or fail to convey any letter sent to bmcdanno@ss.ca.gov .
Voting Systems and Procedures Panel (VSPP)
Office of the California Secretary of State
Attn. Bruce McDannold
FAX (916) 653-3214 - Tel. (916) 657-2166,
or mail to: 1500 11th St, 5th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
Note: I sent my comment for the June 16 meeting via email. I have now re-sent it via fax. I suggest that all those who sent email should re-send as fax, if you can. I also think they have a lawsuit on their hands if they discount email.
I am going to send an additional letter today by email only. We need to find out how they handle public comment at this point, and who it goes to. (The VSP Panel? The Sec of State? The trash bin?) Any lawyers out there interested?
I find this cavalier treatment of the public infuriating. I think it's possible that McDannold was lying to JYD about the email being "full." This was a PUBLICLY NOTICED **PUBLIC** EMAIL ADDRESS, specifically cited as the place to send public comment.