Note this in particular from Blackwell's letter:
"Their (Dems) number one priority is to prevent me from winning the Governor's office next year. They know Ohio is the key to the 2008 Presidential election." Ken Blackwell is using the web via
Ken Blackwell Needs Your Help
Dear NewsMax Reader:
It's rare that we endorse a candidate for governor.
But Ken Blackwell is no ordinary candidate. As you may know, he played a critical role in George Bush's victory in Ohio during last year's
Now, Ken is running for governor in Ohio. The Democrats absolutely hate Ken because he's a solid conservative and an African-American leading others into the Republican Party.
They also know he will keep Ohio, the nation's most key swing state, "Red" in 2008.
Already Democratic groups backed by billionaire George Soros are pouring millions into the Ohio race to stop Ken Blackwell.
Ken urgently needs your help. You can donate to his worthy cause by Going Here Now.
And please take a moment to read Ken's letter below.
Thank you.
Urgent Letter from Ken Blackwell
Dear fellow American:
The liberals know I am the frontrunner for Ohio Governor in 2006, and
they'll do anything to stop me from winning!!
I am now the target of the liberal Democratic machine, nationally and in Ohio.
In fact Democratic web sites across the country have ads that say: "Help Ohio Democrats: Stop Ken Blackwell! Contribute"
Their number one priority is to prevent me from winning the Governor's
office next year. They know Ohio is the key to the 2008 Presidential
They also know with me, a conservative African-American Republican, as
Governor, the Democrat Presidential nominee will have ZERO chance of
carrying Ohio in 2008.
That's why Anti-Bush billionaire George Soros is keeping his attack
organization active in Ohio, and why its director stated, "the 2006 Ohio governor's race is the most important in the nation."
The Ohio Democratic Party has launched the "Stop Ken Blackwell!" campaign. They are attacking my record of achievement and steadfast, conservative leadership, particularly during the 2004 Presidential Election when as Secretary of State I made sure that voters not judges and lawyers decided the election.
Fiscal discipline, moral integrity and the promotion of our shared values are the hallmarks of my thirty years of public life.
Democrats nationwide want to defeat me! They have attacked with everyone from Howard Dean to Barbara Boxer to Jesse Jackson to Jerry Springer. They are raising money nationwide to prevent Ohio from Electing the Nation's First Conservative, African-American Republican Governor.
That's Why I Need Your Help Today!! Go Here Now to Contribute!
I need your help to counter their coordinated offensive, and well-funded
Your financial contribution NOW is urgently needed. I must raise $50,000
online in the next two weeks to show the Liberals I too, have national
support. You see, Liberals and "Deaniacs" think they are the only ones who
can mobilize via the internet.
Please help me show the liberal Democrats we know how to fight back! We will not abandon our shared values of: Lower Taxes, Smaller Government, a Culture of Life, the Defense of Marriage and Second Amendment Freedoms.
Your contribution NOW will make a difference in keeping Ohio "RED"!! Go Here Now!
Thank you.
Ken Blackwell
P.S. We need to stop George Soros and the liberal establishment now! Our nation needs some who shares your values and priorities to become Ohio's next Governor! Your contribution of $10, $25, $75, $100, or $250 by the end of July - a key campaign filing deadline-will give us the resources to help counter their attacks and keep Ohio "RED"! And after joining our team, please forward this email to your friends and ask them to do the same. Go Here Now to contribute!
This advertisement was paid for by Ohioans for Blackwell, Wm Curlis,
Treasurer, 865 Macon Alley, Columbus, OH 43206