How much evidence went to sites set up by the RNC?
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Wed Jul-13-05 12:31 AM
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How much evidence went to sites set up by the RNC? |
The RNC set up a website (or whatever the name was) and I know people were emailing the DNC as well with tales of election problems. How best to regain evidence lost? We talked about trying to get a reward set up for leads (just after the election). Maybe now would be a good time? Maybe it would bring a few of the people forward that might have sent their lead to the wrong place(s)?
Maybe set up a hotline, a website, run radio commercials publicizing it?
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Wed Jul-13-05 08:27 PM
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1. hire a private detective to investigate the players in Warren County OH... |
beginning with Frank Young Emergency Services Director.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 08:02 AM
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