... heat they got from the real Democrats left in this country for that piece-o-shit report? The DNC timed another fundraiser poorly to follow the release of that report, so they got a few kind (not) words from me and I expect many thousands of you.
I also communicated directly with Brazile's research staff and sent them the audios from the National Election Reform Conference (Nashville, April) that included the Ohio panel and the two other panels detailing election fraud in seven other states. I told them that if we yellow-dog-hillbillies in the Orange State could find R.H. Phillips, Bernie Windham, Cliff Arnebeck, Bob Fitrakis, Joanne Rousch, Richard Reinoehl (all Ohio election fraud investigators and activists) and their counterparts in New Mexico, New Hampshire, Georgia, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania; then they should have had no problem finding the same folks when they had $500,000 from the DNC to pay their phone bills.
Given the fact that we're celebrating the 40th anniversary of the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act this summer, it is sad that the DNC hired a Black woman (and a friend of KKKarl Rove to boot) to do a whitewash on the 2004 election theft.
Somewhere, Fannie Lou Hamer and Medger Evers are doing cart-wheels in their graves.