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What can I say to our Hero? That hope is on the way????

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-19-05 09:44 PM
Original message
What can I say to our Hero? That hope is on the way????
Edited on Tue Jul-19-05 10:30 PM by NoBushSpokenHere
John Kerry said “Hope is on the way” and also told us he had 17,000 lawyers ready and set to take action. We risked, hoped and dreamed of a brighter tomorrow. Then, when our hopes were at the highest, he abandoned us, stating that he has our backs. We hoped that he would come forward before it was too late, we speculated why he didn’t, and then we faced reality. We had been overtaken, here in the country we once loved, the land of the free and the brave.

We talked of moving to Canada, avoiding the regime, avoiding the reality that it is no longer a country for the people by the people. Instead we investigate, we litigate, we risk, and we try to convince others to work for election reform. And, we wonder, “Why others do not join our plight?”

We were fortunate enough to have David Cobb step up to the plate to attempt a recount that wasn’t. We were fortunate enough to have wonderful people like John Bonifaz, Cliff Arnebeck, Bob Fitrakis, Brad Friedman, Kip Humphrey, John Conyers, Barbara Boxer and numerous others who have spent countless hours trying to investigate and fix the system.

We have found heroes such as Andy Stephenson and Sherole Eaton who risked it all to come forward with evidence of election fraud. And for what outcome? John Kerry still has a political future (provided real election reform occurs). Staying out of the fray, he avoided being “Gored”. Had Sherole not come forward, she would still be employed with no worries of how to pay for her insurance or how to pay for an attorney, much less worry about how to have the money to buy food. She could have taken the deal she was offered, resigned, drew retirement and kept quiet. But instead, she chose to fight for what is right. But why?

Is it really appreciated? By some of us, yes. Judging by the money in her fund, evidently to stand for democracy doesn’t matter to most. The DNC should have taken care of Sherole. They should have stood for her and for all of us. They didn’t. They aren’t. They won’t. John Kerry should have taken care of Sherole, he didn’t, he isn’t and he won’t. The reality is the little guy (in this case a 65 year old widow) always loses in the end. And yet, we have hope that more people will come forward with evidence to prove the election fraud.

Perhaps there are others that would, but they watch the plight of heroes like Sherole, and realize that no one will support them if they stand up. Someone told me this would happen after she came forward because in the end, the “little people” always lose. So, what can I tell this champion of democracy?

Don’t worry, it will be alright? There are enough people upset about what has happened to you to help you? Someone in the party will come to your aid? John Kerry will come ‘out of the closet’ and ask people to contribute? We care, but we gave all our extra dollars to the GELAC fund? The DLC will decide to mend fences with the little people of the Democrat party and support her? That hope is on it’s way?

Please let’s not let this Democracy Heroine fade into the shadows. Let’s all step up to the plate and donate to her fund. The world needs more Sherole Eaton’s. Let’s show her with our pocketbooks just how proud of her we are.

Due to DU rules, I cannot add the information regarding the fund in this thread, please see to learn how to contribute.

edited for punctuation
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Time for change Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:42 AM
Response to Original message
1. Kick
Sherole Eaton is a real hero.

I hope you have underestimated John Kerry.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:21 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. Actions speak, or is that - no action - speaks volumes?
I hope I have underestimated him, too. Time will tell....
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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
2. Thank you for a well written post
Sharing your feelings of betrayal, I have yet to read one post in DU by a Kerry for President 08 proponent why he deserves our ongoing support.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:24 PM
Response to Reply #2
8. Your Welcome......
The betrayal has been difficult to handle, especially seeing a brilliant and wonderful lady suffer emotional and monetarily.
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GuvWurld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
3. "Hope Is On The Way" was always meaningless jingo
"Hope is on the way" implies there is currently no hope

It is sometimes difficult but I certainly do think there is currently hope - it just isn't the Dems or anything remotely resembling the status quo.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:26 PM
Response to Reply #3
9. I do have hope but when I see very little support coming in for
Sherole, it is difficult to feel hopeful.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 12:14 PM
Response to Original message
4. Recommended! I donated! Couldn't afford a big amount, but I sent it
with love and praise! What a great hero she is!

I don't think it's useful to dwell on John Kerry. We had a complete failure of our political SYSTEM--and it started way back before the Kerry campaign, when the Democratic leadership failed to scream bloody murder about Bushites owning and controlling the vote count with secret, proprietary software. (--due in part to bipartisan corruption in the electronic voting business).

That some "knight on a white horse" is going to save us is an illusion. And it is equally illusory to let bitterness and anger dominate when such a "white knight" fails us.

What we are fighting for is democracy, and that means each of us doing our part, and gaining a collective understanding of the core problems and how to solve them, the key one being that our election system has fallen into private, rightwing hands.

That realization is happening. It is growing. Word is spreading. The way to solve it is becoming clear (state/local election reform). Everything you have done, "NoBushSpokenHere," and that Sherole has done, and that all us in the election fraud/election reform movement have done, is aiding that process. No one person can solve it. It has to be a general realization and effort.

Such movements--true peoples' movements--always have ups and downs. It can be a long bumpy road. It took the black civil rights movement many decades before the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts were passed, and a common consciousness of the evils of bigotry arose. Take inspiration from that struggle. Faith. Patience. Endurance. And never losing sight of the enlightened goal that leads you on.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:33 PM
Response to Reply #4
11. Thank you for donating and for the inspirational words.
I passed the news on to Sherole. She was very appreciative.

I know it is too much to hope for (the white knight riding in to save the day), and I do realize we are all making progress, it just is very difficult to understand how so many people can be so complacent. Why can't the 58% of the country that voted for Kerry pull together on this? And why can't ALL people stand together against machine counting? Why can't we raise more funds to help out a 65 year old lady who stood up for us?
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Bill Bored Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 12:37 PM
Response to Original message
5. GELAC Fund
What we can learn from this is NOT to provide funding to ANY candidate who is willing to trust the voting machines. Unless they are willing to spend our money to prove with mathematical certainty that they lost an election fair and square, or to overturn an incorrect result, they may deserve our votes, but NOT our financial support. This is especially important in the Primaries where we select those who will carry the flag for our party.

So get out and vote for the best Democrats, but don't give 'em a dime unless they're willing to spend it to verify the outcome of the election, because as we've seen in Ohio, no one else can or will do that.

That said, in states where it's illegal to do recounts, where there is no paper to recount, or where such efforts might be considered frivolous by the courts, we will need another plan. Anybody got one?
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:45 PM
Response to Reply #5
13. We better get one quick! n/t
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Goldeneye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 01:46 PM
Response to Original message
6. kick
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mirandapriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:32 PM
Response to Original message
10. Not fair to blame Kerry, IMHO
Why should he have to turn into an election activist because the GOP cheated? He was advised to back down (who knows what his "advisers" motivation was) and he did. Look what happened to Gore and HE WON!! Bushler didn't have to both run a campaign AND fight election fraud. The voting system is sick and who knows how many rigged elections we've had in the past?
Kerry is a very good man who was the victim of a dirty, illegal campaign , if he had fought they would have destroyed him.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 10:43 PM
Response to Reply #10
12. And those who fought for him are being destroyed.
I spent months defending John Kerry. I spent months campaigning for John Kerry. I shook his hand a few times. I saw alot of genuiness in John Kerry and in John Edwards. I do not understand what happened November 3rd, and will not spend more time debating it. The truth is hidden somewhere and someday we will learn what it is.

I just think it is a shame that someone who has always been a democracy champion has lost their job because they stood up in hopes a real recount could happen, and now, they are paying the price. Sherole just wants her job back and fair elections.

Your comment, Look what happened to Gore and HE WON! Do you think Kerry didn't win? Had we had a real recount in Ohio we could have proven that it was a landslide for him.
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mirandapriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 01:22 AM
Response to Reply #12
15. I absolutely think Kerry Won, I should have said
there is proof that Gore won in the news consortium results and still it doesn't seem to matter. I know what would have happened to Kerry had he fought. Not wanting to bash him doesn't mean I am against Sherole or anyone else. I just don't want to give the Thugs the pleasure of turning on Kerry.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 12:13 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. I understand but
part of the reason we are in the mess we are in today is because we didn't take care of the corruption within our party. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying John Kerry was part of that corruption. It is just that had we acknowledged and dealt with problems within our party long ago (2000 should have been a clue) we could have avoided what happened in 2004.
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mirandapriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-24-05 12:49 AM
Response to Reply #16
23. The lack of recognition from almost all democratic leadership is
mystifying in regards to election fraud. It does raise the question of whether there is some sort of complicity. This goes beyond elections, we see it in the way the democrats supported the war, or didn't object strongly enough or the way they didn't demand more 9-11 investigation. The few who do , like Conyers, seem to be treated as outsiders. I hate to "go there" and ask whether there really is that much of a difference between the two parties. I believe there is, but questions are certainly raised by their inaction on election fraud and other issues.
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LeahD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 11:34 PM
Response to Original message
14. Maybe you can raise more support
by posting this on GD.


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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 12:22 PM
Response to Reply #14
17. Posted in GD Politics and it is almost off the page with no
comments. Thanks for the advice, though.
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LeahD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 12:37 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. Maybe I'll just have to give it a kick!
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 09:02 PM
Response to Reply #18
19. Cross Posted in GD and in GD Politics...falling thru the fodder
quicker than greased lightening .......

I have been debating setting up a website for Sherole but feel as though she could use the money instead of the website.....kind of a catch 22 thing........
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 12:53 PM
Response to Original message
20. It has been pointed out to me that I am throwing blame.
I apologize, but it is just very frustrating when you look at all that has and hasn't happened. I also realize I need to keep a positive attitude, but when I see posts regarding the fund sit idle, it is difficult to keep spirits up.

Thankfully, Sherole Eaton has the full support of John Conyers and the Congressional Committee.

Thankfully, Sherole has the support of David Cobb, who is not afraid to come forward in this matter.

Thankfully, Sherole has the support of people like Cliff Arnebeck and another great Attorney, Kate Schulte. The motion that was filed by Cliff on behalf of Alliance for Democracy, is in regard to violations of the Board in relation to the firing of Sherole Eaton. This case, once won, the attorney fees will be paid by the BOE. The whistle blower case with Attorney Kate Schulte has been taken on a contingency basis, but $20,000 will be needed for depositions, etc.

Thankfully, these same things happened with other BOE's. And, hopefully, other BOE members will come forward despite what Sherole is going through.

Thankfully, the whistle blower case is sound, so if the funds can be raised, Sherole will in the end, regain her job.

Thankfully, Sherole survived the unsuccessful brain surgery, and hopefully her aneurysm surgery will be successful.

Thankfully, Sherole has managed to keep her spirits up despite what she must be going through financially.

Thankfully, she has alot of friends who are willing to help her however they can.

Thankfully, people are beginning to see through the haze and realize our party needs cleaned up.

Thankfully, there are people who are willing to do the sweeping.

And, hopefully, there will be people who will have it in their hearts to donate to Sherole's fund.

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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 01:21 PM
Response to Original message
21. Sherole Eaton to Emcee Strickland Event Sunday
Donations will be accepted at the door for Ted Strickland, a silent auction will be held with auction proceeds to benefit the Hocking Democrat Party. The event will be held at the Isaac Walton Lodge on Blosser Road (off State Route 664 South from Logan), at 4:30 to 7:30 pm. Please come to show your support for both Ted Strickland and Sherole Eaton. Sherole cannot speak regarding her case, but would love to hear thanks from people who support her efforts.

Hot dogs, chips and watermelon will be available at this informal outdoor event. A band is donating their time to entertain!
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Wow Donating Member (36 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-23-05 04:55 PM
Response to Original message
22. Lack of $$ definitely counts
One way to silence people is the aggressiveness of the counter attack. The second way is by making them bankrupt fighting back. Seems like both ways are used.
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NoBushSpokenHere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 12:05 AM
Response to Original message
24. David Cobb Pledges $1,000 from the Green Party
At least the Greens are not afraid to stand up for Democracy!
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