From Common Cause:
The fight to obtain a paper trail requirement is about one of the fundamentally important functions of the government in our democracy: providing fair, secure, convenient, and accessible voting systems. Last month we made huge strides in this campaign when we helped to organize "paper trail lobby days " in Washington, D.C., bringing together election reform activists from around the country who passionately advocated to their congressional representatives in support of HR 550, legislation that will require voting systems to generate a voter-verified paper trail.
This weekend, we have a golden opportunity to follow up the momentum we generated for paper trail at the federal level last month by taking this crucial fight directly to our key state officials. All you have to do is make a simple phone call. Let me explain:
Beginning on Friday, July 22, the National Association of the Secretaries of State is holding its annual conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. As you undoubtedly remember, Secretaries of State like Kenneth Blackwell (in 2004) and Katherine Harris (in 2000) can play crucial roles in how states administer their election systems. Imagine the impact on our campaign for paper trail if this national body of crucial election officials passed a resolution calling for all voting systems to incorporate a voter-verified paper audit trail.
It just might happen. If you and your friends let your Secretary of State know how critical voter verified paper ballots are to the concept of accessible, accurate, and accountable elections, it will make a big difference.
Call your Secretary of State today and encourage him or her to vote YES on the paper trail resolution. You can find the phone number of your Secretary of State by going to the following link, and clicking on your state: