for people to know this--that word is getting around. In a country that is subjected to relentless, 24/7 news monopoly propaganda--including the technique of "black-holing" important stories, like the truth about Iraq WMDs in the run-up to the war, and the truth about the election--it TAKES TIME and word of mouth to get the truth out. But these slower, people to people methods, DO work. Did you ever here an announcement from the news monopolies that every word the Bush regime spoke on Iraq WMDs was false and a lie? Nope, it was a gradual spreading of information, and is now broadly understood as the truth--even in the news monopoly press.
The same thing is going to happen with the 2004 election --especially now with Bush approval at 42%. WHERE is his support NOW? Where are all those terrorfied, rightwing Christian Armageddonists from Karl Rove's "invisible" get out the vote campaign?
(Hey, that's a good typo: terrorfied. I think I'll leave it alone.)
For me, these two stats say it all:
58% of Americans opposed the Iraq war BEFORE the invasion. Feb. '03. I'll never forget that stat.
63% of Americans oppose torture UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. May '04.
That's the America I know and love--a people that sticks to its sense of justice and ethics and lawfulness, despite relentless fearmongering; a peaceful, progressive people who oppose the mass murders, massive thievery and lies of this traitorous regime, and rose up on Nov. 2, 2004, to throw them out, and were DISENFRANCHISED.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY. And when enough of us have learned what they did on Nov. 2, we WILL reform this election system, and we WILL get our country back.
The power over election systems still resides at the state/local level, where ordinary people still have some influence. We need...
--paper ballots, hand counted at the precinct level
or, in the meantime, whatever transparency measures we can achieve, such as
--paper ballot (not "paper trail") backup of all electronic voting systems, strict automatic recount auditing and strict security, and NO SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code owned and controlled by Bushites (...jeez!).
That's what we need to do. LET'S DO IT!