Imagine voting at local mall, uptown hotel
Plan would let you cast ballot at a place more convenient to workSHARIF DURHAMS
Raleigh Bureau
RALEIGH - Forget lining up before or after work on Election Day.
Instead, imagine popping over to a mall, a shopping center or an uptown hotel ballroom and voting during lunch rather than trekking back to a polling place near your home.
That's the way state elections officials and some lawmakers -- mostly Democrats -- are selling the idea of voting "super precincts." They want to experiment with letting voters cast ballots at sites anywhere in a city or county. It would be impossible to go to the wrong precinct.
The experiment would start in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, either for this fall's local elections or during the primary vote in 2006. The state Senate approved the change 48-0, and the House plans to debate a similar version today.