David Dill, the founder of the Verified Voting Foundation, will testify at the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) public hearing in Pasadena, CA. The hearing is being held to solicit public and expert commentary on the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG).
For a draft of the guidelines, and to provide your own comments, see
http://www.verifiedvotingfoundation.org/blog For more information on the EAC hearing, see
http://www.verifiedvotingfoundation.org/article.php?id=... (From a VVF email)
David Dill is well known in the field, has been working towards honest elections, is a computer science expert, at Stanford University.
Watch for CSPAN to possibly cover it. Last year CSPAN did cover some of the EAC hearings, or at least play them later.
The EAC website says they'll have video one week later.