Edited on Sat Jul-30-05 08:24 PM by Fly by night
... to keep them. Here's something I wrote yesterday to two of our legislators who are supporting our VVPB efforts:
"There are already two different voting systems in place in Tennessee that are based on a paper ballot. Twenty counties use punch-card voting systems where the voters record their votes by punching out chads corresponding with their choices.... These punch-card ballots are then tabulated by equipment that count the ballots (and record the votes) rapidly. Even though the punch-card voting systems are a bit dated, they are universally supported by the county election commissioners and election administrators in the twenty counties that now use them.
"When we attended the TN Association of County Election Officials (TACEO) seminar in Memphis last month, everyone we spoke with from the punch-card counties told us that they had no desire to abandon this simple, accurate, inexpensive and easy voting system; but they also said that they were being pressured by (our state Coordinator of Elections) to abandon these systems for the more expensive and non-verifiable "touch-screen" machines. Our position is that we would much rather allow counties to be able to keep these punch-card systems and focus our HAVA resources on providing equipment that is accessible to disabled voters and replacing voting systems that use non-verifiable "touch-screen" machines.
"I expect that if the legislature were to speak with the election officials in these twenty counties, they would find universal support for the idea of retaining the punch-card systems. (Along this line, Commissioner J... W... from Jackson/Madison County told me after the meeting that he knew that the Madison County election officials had no desire to abandon their punch-card system because it had been flawless over the years, and that he agreed with them.)"
Let's not fix voting systems that ain't broke (and that are already verifiable.) Keep punch-cards, if the option is DREs. It is truly a no-brainer.