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Organizing and Marketing

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GentryLange Donating Member (98 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-05 05:36 PM
Original message
Organizing and Marketing
How do we organize? How do we market?

To me, there's a big part of this fight that is about these two questions.

I believe that the new video footage posted from the Conyers' Hearings are essential... and if the media won't play them, we should show them ourselves. Through email, through house parties, through burned CDs. I'm showing them personally on my laptop at festivals. The Curtis Video, some Flash animation, some handouts.

The challenge in marketing is explaining this issue to the people, to mass audiences, and making it easy to understand. Video is the best tool we have for reaching the masses, and convincing them at the same time....

I also believe that we should start postering about this issue. Pasting up explanatory public notices nationally.

As to Organizing, I find good lists here and there, but a lot of webpages are not updated very often with good info.

Couldn't we start a wikipedia page or something and sit on it to really create a master list, and keep it updated with contact information for groups, papers, media files... etc?


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GentryLange Donating Member (98 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-05 05:42 PM
Response to Original message
1. Here's some top level organizational level links to start with
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