Maybe I should stop visiting the "Greatest" forum for a few days. Or maybe I need to get out of the heat and humidity of middle Tennessee for a while and find my way to the mountains of New Mexico where the rest of my heart lives, to be 9,000 feet above the sea's level again; close by Placita, Penasco, Vadito and Rodarte; within site of Jicarita Peak (Basket Mountain); near the Santa Fe National Forest, where I can let my feet dangle in the Rio Pueblo river or my less rabidly political friends there can soak my head.
But before I left the computer today, I ran across another thread which does deserve to be on the "Greatest" page because it celebrates the decidedly different approach that Paul Hackett took to his OH-2 race. Here's the link:, after enjoying DemoDonkey's live blogging from the 100,000+ voting rights rally in Hot-lanta today, I am just not in the mood for "moral victories". So here's my response to that "Greatest" thread. Read, enjoy (or not) and comment yourselves.
Now to go set the "Have-A-Heart" trap in the garden for the sweet corn stealing critters who seem to have paid my two dogs off or scared them into submission. Maybe if they were "yellow dogs", they'd be treating those corn thieves like unwelcome elephants and send them pack(ederm)ing. Peace out.
Can we -- for once -- count the votes somewhere in OH and not celebrate...
... another "moral victory"? Politics ain't beanbag and it also ain't horse-shoes. Coming close might feel good to political parties (like ours) that are becoming accustomed to losing everywhere. But it feels like a cluster-fuck to me.
Don't get me wrong. I admire Hackett and agree totally that his aggressive campaigning is a long-needed breath of fresh air for our Party that is becoming too accustomed to playing "nicey-nice" with pederasts and horse thieves. But folks, Ohio-2 voters ALL voted on paper ballots (either punch-cards or optical scan ballots) and there were some last-minute shenanigans in Clermont (a-f'in'-gain) involving computer "glitches", delayed vote counts, humid ballots and contradictory stories on election night and the day after about what happened -- ALL OF WHICH DESERVE TO BE INVESTIGATED. For once, just for once, I would like to see a brave, articulate and serious Democratic candidate show some staying power, pursuing every nook and cranny until the fat lady doesn't just sing but until she passes out from multiple orgasms, with her eyes rolled back in her head. Come on, Paul, let's make our overweight and neglected Lady Liberty REALLY happy for once.
As I understand it, any candidate can request a hand recount of ballots in any Ohio race if they are willing to pay $10/precinct for the privilege. I'm poor as a church mouse right now, but I'll sure as hell find $10 somewhere to contribute AND I will drive to Clermont county (about five hours north of here) to participate in a recount. If you're waiting on me, you're backing up.
Why are our most promising candidates so damned anxious to get out of Dodge the morning after a questionable vote-count? What is it about the phrase "if we NEVER quit fighting, we cannot lose" that our leaders don't understand these days?
Today, in the heat and humidity of Atlanta, speaker after speaker at the voting rights rally there (many of them Congresspeople) stood up in front of 100,000+ marchers and said, "THE 2004 ELECTION WAS STOLEN." Goddamn it, if we really believe that, when on earth are we going to start acting like it? Once a thief, always a thief -- until we start chopping off hands, locking election thieves up or giving them a taste of "real" religion, not the kind that their money-changing brethren dole out these days to the sheeple in their sway.
Come on, Paul, there's already enough circumstantial evidence to warrant a recount in at least some OH-2 precincts. I can't imagine you're afraid of anything, so please start acting like it. You have my respect for what you tried to accomplish -- but you will have my undying admiration and life-long support if you will be one of the first Democrats to start walking the talk about election fraud. We are fighting for the future of our country with torturers, traitors, liars and election thieves. There are no rules in a knife fight ... but you seem to be the sort of candidate who would be smart enough to show up to a knife fight with a gun (metaphorically speaking, of course). And in Ohio, in 2005, with Katherine Blackwell and Daffy Taft at the helm, demanding a public recount is coming well-armed into that lawless border town called the "Buckeye State". It's not like we weren't forewarned.
Contest Clermont County -- count the ballots. The elephant piss that made them "too humid" to count on Election Night should have dried by now.