First Roger, Please read our detailed suggestions for auditing precincts so that you understand one method of auditing:, you are confusing an audit with a hand recount of every precinct, i.e. of the entire election results in the case of precinct-based opti-scans since there is only one machine per precinct.
Third, Selecting precincts (or machines) is not remotely like throwing a die because once you select a precinct, it is not still available for selection again. i.e. it is not possible to roll the same precinct twice, as it would be to roll six twice.
Forth, As it says in the handout, audit procedures would need to be determined separately for each COUNTY and state, so if each county were being audited, it would not be possible to miss counties. Obviously one would audit every county's election results and not skip any. In addition, some county's audit procedures may want to ensure auditing at least one precinct from every district for each race, as well as doing a county-wide audit.
Fifth, If you don't select precincts (or machines if you prefer to audit machines - which I think is not as practical), randomly, then are you going to let:
1. The election officials select them like Blackwell did in OH?
2. The candidates select them like Gore did in FL in 2000?
In both cases the selection processes above failed to select precincts that had voting errors, although in FL 2000, Gore would have won if he'd used a random audit procedure for selecting counties, and it is very possible, in fact highly likely that there were many incorrectly counted precincts in OH in 2004.
Sixth, If Holt's bill does not use random methods to select his sample for auditing, then it is not going to be an effective audit procedure. Holt is a physicist, so he's probably smart enough to know that truly scientific procedures to ensure that samples for audits are chosen randomly must be used. I believe that you are mischaracterizing his bill.
Seventh, Do you always immediately assume that anything you don't yet understand is incorrect, or assume that your own illogical ideas are shared by others, even despite the evidence? i.e. Do you always immediately try to put the kabosh on anything that you don't understand?
Audits and election data monitoring happen to be the only practical solutions to fixing our election problems by 2006 because it does not depend on fixing the voting systems first, or passing legislation which would be difficult to pass, given that many of those in Congress today got there by miscounted elections. could have replied to my thread, rather than attempting to make it sound as though these doable practical solutions are not a good idea and mislead people with your illogical nonsense. What is your motivation?
Please make some attempt to understand something before you attempt to wrongly convince others that it is wrong.
Why would you want someone like Febble, who understands math, but does not consistently apply logic correctly and misled the press and others very wrongly, to help you?
Please open your mind to the possibility that it would be possible to detect and correct all vote count errors with a combination of independent randomly selected audits and detailed election data reporting if one does not assume such illogical, unlikely procedures as you suggest here.
I suppose, if one were doing a state-wide audit, that there would be a miniscule probability of selecting all precincts in one county in a state using the selection method that you suggest. That is true, but that probability would be calculable for any particular state. If you're that worried about it, why don't you calculate its probability. However, no one said to ONLY do a state-wide audit and conduct no county-level audits anyway, so your discussion is not relevant to our proposal. However, if you think that calculating such a probability is like rolling a dice, then you probably have no idea of how to begin to calculate it.
Would you prefer that no independent audits were ever done to protect your banking institutions from inside embezzlement because the audit might in one out of ten million or more tries select a lopsided sample to audit?
What is your real motivation in saying such obviously nonsensical things to tear down the only practical ways to ensure vote counts are accurate in America? Do you want to leave our elections entirely open to insider embezzlement and errors rather than apply the solutions that would obviously ensure their accuracy? Are you eager for another round of the wrong candidates being sworn into office following the Nov 2006 election so that the probability of ever fixing our elections is drastically reduced once more?
Kathy Dopp