Friday, August 26, 2005 /
THE PATRIOT PASTORS....(christian mafia alert)
“With Bible in hand, Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell warned the assembled “Patriot Pastors” that the battle they won last year to constitutionally ban gay marriage in Ohio must be fought on other fronts in 2006. “We cannot sit back and let the public square be stripped naked of truth, of religion, and of God,” Blackwell said yesterday at the Kings Island Conference Center. “People think November 2004 was just an accident of history. They doubt your ability and your will and your commitment to your faith and your drive to stay engaged and sustain the battle.”
“Inspired by the Republican gubernatorial candidate’s words, many of the more than 300 pastors headed back to their Ohio communities, each committed to registering 300 new “values voters” for the 2006 statewide elections. “These pastors will go home and pray, serve and engage values voters,” said the Rev. Russell Johnson, pastor of the Fairfield Christian Church in Lancaster. “We will encourage the stewardship of our citizenship.” Johnson is chairman of the Ohio Restoration Project, an organization of religious conservatives that promotes political activism by Christian pastors and their flocks, which met officially for the first time yesterday, with six more meetings planned during the next year.”
“The group, hoping to sustain momentum from last year’s overwhelming approval by Ohio voters of an amendment to ban gay marriage, plans to mobilize voters in 2006 around an agenda including opposition to abortion, gay marriage and higher taxes, and in support of lawsuit reform and charter schools.”
“Johnson also advocated the defeat of three constitutional amendments on the Nov. 8 ballot that would affect Ohio election law by changing the way legislative and congressional districts are drawn, limiting campaign contributions, and transferring oversight of elections from the secretary of state to an appointed, independent board.”
“His group also wants to overturn a provision in the U.S. tax code that prohibits nonprofit churches from endorsing candidates.”
“Ken Blackwell’s stands have been consistent with ours,” Johnson said, stressing that “we will not endorse a candidate.”
“Johnson said the goal is to sign up 400,000 new voters before the 2006 elections. He and others stressed that the movement is nondenominational and open to all faiths.”
“The Rev. John Putka, a political-science professor at the University of Dayton, said thousands of new voters were registered last year to pass the gaymarriage ban and the goal is to keep them engaged.
“Dr. John C. Willke, a founder of the Ohio Right to Life Society, said the Patriot Pastors movement is driven, in part, by upholding “the rights of the unborn” by outlawing abortions.”
“Pat Johnson, a single mom and member of a Xenia Christian church, said last year’s gaymarriage ballot amendment was “a wake up call” that spurred her to get involved with the Ohio Restoration Project to fight for a “moral and godly culture” for her 9-year-old daughter.”
This is the language of the CONS explained in the brilliant book, "What's the matter with Kansas" by Thomas Frank. A must read for anyone who doesn't understand why the poor vote against their own economic interests.