80% of the nation's vote, using SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, and...
Kerry won the exit polls--the only independent gage of the election returns.
I think it's very important not to isolate bits of evidence apart from their context, and apart from their place in time.
First, these Bushite companies answered the call of Bush's "pod people" in Congress that something MUST be done about that awful election mess in Florida in '00--oh, yes, the debacle that put Jesus Bush into office mustn't happen again, no, no! We need to modernize our election system--with $4 billion into the pockets of Bush-donating election machine companies; and, paper trail? We don't need no stinkin' paper trail...etc., etc., then...THEN...then and only then did Kerry win the exit polls.
We had a fraudulent election SYSTEM going in. The fraud occurred long BEFORE the election, in the utter non-transparency and unverifiability of the election system that was installed in the 2001-2003 period. "Trade secret" tabulation of our votes? Come on!
And in reviewing Kerry's concession on the morning of Nov. 3, we also need to see the context and the time-frame. How could Dem Party leaders have been SILENT about Bushites owning and controlling the tabulation of our votes, PRIOR to the election, when these EGREGIOUSLY non-transparent voting systems and tabulators were put in place?
That question needs to be asked and answered BEFORE you look at Diebold's and ES&S's "result" vs. the exit poll's real result--and before you can begin to understand Kerry's concession.
I think the answer to why the Dem leaders were silent about Bushites gaining control over the vote tabulation is a combo of just plain venal corruption among both Dem and Repub election officials in the billion dollar boondoggle of electronic voting, plus some of the Dem leaders supporting Bush's war and not giving a crap who got "selected" by Bushite voting machines.
I don't know how much Kerry knew about the election system, and I can't and won't judge him personally--but it seems pretty clear to me that the Bush war supporters around him, in the Dem leadership, refused to support an election fight, and that he could not proceed (if he had been of a mind to) without their support (especially with the Bushites and the war profiteering corporate news monopolies ready to pounce on him, in the middle of the assault on Falluja, the week after the election).
These DLC/DNC people who were surrounding Kerry were the same ones who were guilty of gross malfeasance on the election SYSTEM. They wanted the war. They did NOT want a president that was beholden in any way to the grass roots, antiwar constituency--who were working their tails off, and, not incidentally, achieving a 60/40 blowout success for the Dem party in new voter registration in 2004. People were flocking to the Dem Party, in a highly inspired grass roots movement to oust the Bush Cartel--little knowing that their votes were going to be "counted" by Bushites with secret, proprietary programming code. The failure of the Dem party leaders to apprise them of this was catastrophic--and likely deliberate. And their failure to challenge the election comes into much sharper perspective when you realize how complicit they had to have been, all along, in the electronic voting setup.
Similarly, when studying the exit poll evidence, we must not ignore the first and foremost fact about the exit polls--that the TV networks, acting in concert, FALSIFIED the exit poll data on everybody's TV screens on election night, "adjusting" the exit polls (Kerry won) to fit the "official results" derived by Diebold's and ES&S's secret formulae (Bush won).
They claim that they "always" do this ("adjust" the exit polls to fit the "official results"), but we do not ALWAYS have a brand new and controversial election system being tested out nationwide for the first time, as the result of widespread suspicions--and, indeed, solid evidence as to the popular vote--that the previous presidential election was stolen. These conditions CRIED OUT FOR verification of the 2004 election. And the one tool we had to verify it was....changed, falsified, "adjusted"? Come on! And...
...that verification tool--the real exit polls--contradicted a Bush win. And...
...there was widespread, blatant, visible election fraud, in open violation of the Voting Rights Act, in the battleground state of Ohio, indicating--to me, anyway--that Kerry in fact won the election by such a big margin that "Plan B" (blatant vote suppression in Ohio) had to be implemented, at the risk of public disgrace, and a huge outcry by civil rights groups and others. They figured they could "spin" THAT, and--given the lapdogism of the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, who were willing enough to falsify their own exit polls--they were right.
They "spun" THAT--"not enough fraud in Ohio" to change the "result." (--and guess who ELSE has "spun" THAT--the very same Dem Party leaders who FAILED TO WARN VOTERS of the highly fraud-prone election system).
Plan A: A pre-programmed 3% to 4% shift of Kerry votes to Bush (or to third parties) that appears as a wave, from east coast to west, locking in the popular vote early on, in the east, and slightly tweaking a couple of very close states from "blue" to "red," to keep Bush competitive in the Electoral vote...but this was not quite enough, so...
Plan B: ...unleash the snarling election dogs in Ohio, where Bush Cartel operative Blackwell will keep a lid on things long enough for the Cartel to invade Iran...
(Plan C was a phony "terrorist alert" lockdown of major Dem voting in west coast urban areas--well-prepared in "the news" prior to the election--but the "terrorist alert" tactic wasn't needed (except in Warren County, Ohio). My guess: Kerry's mealy-mouthed statements about the war and other matters cut his margin from 15% or higher, to 10% or somewhat less, and Diebold, ES&S, and Ohio were sufficient to cover it.)
This is my thinking on the fraudulent election of 2004: Review the evidence IN CONTEXT, with an outline before you of "means," "motive," "opportunity" and "malice aforethought," filling in each of those categories of criminal prosecution as you go, and, instead of presuming that Diebold and ES&S are honest, that Bushites are not criminals, that the war profiteering new monopolies tell the truth, and that Dem and Repub election officials are not corrupt, use some common sense, and presume the opposite of these things, and then...the 2004 election, as presented on TV--and Bush's dismal approval ratings (before and after the election), and the overwhelming evidence of great American opposition to Bush in the opinion polls on specific issues (60% to 70% opposed to every major Bush policy, foreign and domestic, for over a year now), and all sorts of other things--begin to make sense.
Here's something, in the "all sorts of other things" category, that didn't make sense to me until I began making the above assumptions, particularly re: Dem and Repub election officials being corrupt (many of them)--and started seeking more information:
Democrat Connie McCormack, head of Los Angeles County elections, supporting Diebold and paperless voting--and leading the nasty coup that took down Dem CA Sec of State Kevin Shelly, who had sued Diebold and decertified the worst of their election theft machines just prior to the 2004 election. How could a Democrat--McCormack--be doing these things?
Come to find out: McCormack's best friend--the one she wines and dines and goes on vacations with--is Deborah Siler, formerly Diebold's chief salesperson in California.
Beverly Hilton, August 2005: A week of fun, sun and high-end shopping for election officials from around the country, sponsored by Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia. Featured speaker: Connie McCormack.
Former Repub CA Sec of State Bill Jones, and his chief aide Alfie Charles, after authorizing electronic voting in California including the purchase of Sequoia machines, now works for... Sequoia.
One of Kevin Shelley's first actions in office had been to ban "revolving door" employment. He was beginning to crack down on corrupt local election officials, and, in his suit against Diebold, had demanded to see their source code.
Venal corruption, among Democrats like McCormack. And criminal intent on the part of Bushites (more on this in a moment), and...
...Kerry won the exit polls, and...
...analysis of the exit polls shows an impossible shift to Bush in the final, falsified numbers, and...
...in 86 of 88 reported incidents, touchscreens CHANGED Kerry votes to Bush votes, which some Kerry voters, with considerable difficulty (they checked back over their "ballot") just happened to notice, and happened to know a phone number where they could report it--and...
But you get my meaning. CONTEXT. Numbers, facts and evidence must be seen in context. If we divorce them from their context, then we will never understand what has happened to our country, or how to fix it.
What I am saying is that, in a sense, it DOESN'T MATTER how much evidence you have of election fraud in 2004. The election was invalid on its face. Major Bushites controlled the vote tabulation with SECRET, PROPRIETARY software. That's all you really need to know about the 2004 election. It was non-transparent and non-verifiable.
And, we have NO WAY OF KNOWING who really won the election, except by exterior verification tools--such as the exit polls--and THEY were falsified to create the PERCEPTION of a Bush win.
Another exterior indicator--one that speaks to intent--was the blatant fraud in Ohio, news of which has been severely curtailed. And a third exterior indicator that also points to a Bush loss, but which has not received intelligent and perceptive comment in the controlled news: opinion polls, with Bush having miserable approval ratings throughout the year leading up to the election (so low Zogby said he couldn't win), with an unprecedented (for a recently "elected," 2nd term president) 49% on the very day of his inauguration, and going into freefall afterward (down to 35% or so today), AND the issue polls throughout the last year, showing huge disapproval of Bush, way up in the 60% to 70% range, on all major issues.
Those "trade secret" contracts between Bushite companies and the states--an utterly amazing outrage against democracy--came about as the result of both venal corruption (mostly Democrats) and criminal intent (mostly Republicans). That's something we need to know--on the remedy side of things. As to criminal intent, why did Tom Delay blockade a paper trail provision in Congress? Why did the electronic voting companies who were giving big contributions to Bush, and running his campaign and so on, FIGHT a paper trail and INSIST ON "trade secret" vote tabulation? Why DIDN'T Congress correct these no-brainer election integrity requirements? And why didn't the Democratic leadership burn the Capitol down to get this changed?
If they had wanted a transparent, verifiable election, why didn't we have one? It's not that difficult.
The answer is that it was PREVENTED--deliberately--and our election system was deliberately and methodically corrupted, with the $4 billion boondoggle from Bush's Congress, and lavish lobbying by Bushite companies, of both Dem and Repub election officials. And that's not even to get into items like the Curtis testimony (a Repub Congressman in Florida SOLICITING an electronic election fraud PROGRAM!). It's obvious just on the surface of things that there was intent to commit election fraud, on the part of Bushites.
Remedy (simple--except for all the corruption and crime):
Paper ballots hand-counted at the precinct level (--Canada does it in one day, although speed should not even be a consideration, just accuracy and verifiability)
or, at the least
Paper ballot (not "paper trail") backup of all electronic voting, a 10% audit (automatic recount), strict security, and NO SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code! (...jeez!).
That's all it would have taken. So why didn't we have it?
It's not so much that the election was stolen. (I mean, that's what the Bush Cartel does, right? It's to be expected from them.) It's HOW the election was stolen--with the complicity of corrupt and/or war mongering Democrats, and the war profiteering corporate news monopolies.
And, until we see the whole picture, in context, we will continue to be sidetracked by trying to get rid of lowlings like Blackwelll, and trying to get the Voting Rights Act re-authorized in a Bush "pod people" Congress--a law that this fascist junta has already openly violated and will never enforce--and, as some are doing, trying to get the war profiteering corporate news monopolies (the people who falsified the exit polls and completely blackholed the story of who owns our election system) to provide real news and opinion. Or trying to get Bush to pull out of Iraq.
It's not that I don't support all of these efforts. I do! With all my heart--especially the latter. Cindy Sheehan and others are putting their bodies on the line to stop this insane war, to stop the killing NOW. It is a matter of conscience and heart--and lives!
But it won't and can't change the war policy or anything else, until we address the MECHANISM of power--our vote--and achieve transparent, verifiable elections.
The power over election systems still resides at the state/local level, where ordinary people still have some influence. That is where we must act, if we want our democracy back, and if we want to stop the war that is the result of LACK OF democracy.
We can have the biggest protest the world has ever seen, in DC on Sept. 24--or the most powerful protest of our era, Cindy Sheehan's arrival at the Bush ranch--and all we are likely to get for our trouble is the "selection" of a War Democrat, who--whatever promises he/she makes--will merely be "doing a better Mideast war" over the next four years, with probably a Draft thrown in (because the Bushites can't get that done).
The great majority of Americans have opposed this war FROM THE BEGINNING (58%, across the board in all polls--Feb. '03). The problem is not that Americans don't see how wrong it is. The problem is that the majority has been DISENFRANCHISED--not just by the criminal Bushites, but also by corrupt Democrats. The mechanism of disenfranchisement is as plain as it can be, and that is the first thing that we must change, before any other change can occur.
An antiwar movement may spark a civic uprising that highlights election theft, and attends to these election theft machines. (Into 'Boston Harbor' with them, I say!) That's what I hope it does. But we can't stop the war--a war that our Democratic Party leaders LET HAPPEN--until we have recovered our right to vote, which our Democratic Party leaders PERMITTED Bushite companies to take away from us. With Diebold and ES&S "counting" the votes, the Dem leaders have no more reason to listen to us than Bushites do. That's what we MUST CHANGE--while we still have the power to do so.
Thanks for your post, Fujiyama! I appreciate how difficult it is to take in the immensity of the fraud that occurred on November 2, 2004--its trail back to HAVA and electronic voting, its path through the unjust war that most Americans opposed then and even more oppose now (over 70%!), on through the falsified exit polls on election night, and everything else. It has been "the perfect storm" of fraud, with every element of our broken democracy conspiring to force us into unjust war, and to keep us at war until the purposes of the war profiteers and the rightwing fascist think-tanks are accomplished.
It is mind-boggling. And I do greatly understand the "denial" that many have suffered, and the sheer power of the brainwashing that has occurred, and is still at work (--so powerful that it has convinced many Americans that THEY are in the minority in opposing Bush's war and other policies). It is a great act of intellect and heart to overcome all that, and to just be able to look at the facts with open eyes and a clear head. I have highly intelligent siblings and friends who still can't look at it, and who remain "plugged in" to the insidious delusions of the corporate news monopolies. As Bush's phony "mandate" falls to pieces, I trust that they will soon be looking at the same facts you have looked at, seeking answers. I applaud you for doing so!