A "non-profit organization" called "Ohio Restoration Project" has been formed. This "christian" conservative group is encouraging pastors to register voters and organize to vote against amendments by Reform Ohio Now, a group trying to help improve elections in November?
'Patriot pastors' recruited
Churchgoers will be urged to vote
By Howard Wilkinson
Enquirer staff writer
KINGS MILLS - The luncheon Thursday at the Kings Island Conference Center could easily have been mistaken for a political party affair, with politicians, speaking over the clank of forks and knives, exhorting the guests to go out and register new voters and make sure they get to the polls.
They were, for the most part, men and women of the clergy - evangelicals, Pentecostals, Baptists and a smattering of Catholic clerics and laymen.
They were being recruited for the Ohio Restoration Project, the brainchild of the Rev. Russell Johnson, pastor of a 2,500-member evangelical church in the southeastern Ohio town of Lancaster.
He wants to build a force of Christian conservatives - the "values voters'' who oppose abortion, want to protect traditional marriage and oppose higher taxes -
to dominate Ohio politics, starting with the 2006 gubernatorial election....snip
And he plans to do it by recruiting an army of more than 2,000 pastors - "patriot pastors,'' as he calls them - to do the grassroots work....snip
http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050826/NEWS01/508260404/-1/CINCI Since the Ohio Restoration Project is a non-profit organization it can't endorse candidates, but it was clear that their favorite candidates for governor is
Secretary of State Ken Blackwell. Read how he quotes MLK, JR and Mother Teresa and gets a standing ovation as he strongly encourages Christian conservatives to "get involved in the political process."
Not concerned yet?
Christian group protests proposed amendments
MASON — Christian conservatives rallied Thursday against four proposed state constitutional amendments that would change how Ohio residents vote and how elections are supervised statewide.The Ohio Restoration Project invited about 500 religious and political leaders to the Kings Island Resort and Conference Center,
encouraging them to register voters and organize against the amendments proposed for the November ballot by Reform Ohio Now.
“I believe the hinges of history are turning on our watch,” said pastor Russell Johnson of Lancaster.More:
http://www.middletownjournal.com/hp/content/news/stories/2005/08/26/mj0826reform.html About Reform Ohio Now
Link to their website: http://www.ohiocitizen.org/moneypolitics/ron/ron.htm