From "Another Election Held and Another Election Stolen" from Clint Curtis's website. what he has to say about Dems! Right on! They need spine transplants! Except for the members of the Congressional Black Caucas and Boxer. The whole article is good, but this really struck me. He calls it like it is! Cut out the garbage about figuring out what message you need to project to win. If you want respect, figure out what you stand for and then stand for it.
This was written shortly after the election. Does everyone know Curtis is a republican? By the way, he will be a presenter at the Portland National Summit to Save Our Elections. Brad Friedman is going to interview him and he is going to do a workshop with Kip Humphrey: Digital for Dummies: the Perils of Electronic Elections.
"The Democrats have already started looking inward and pointing fingers at each other in order to explain a loss that was not possible. This is precisely what the Republicans expected. Exactly what occurred when Bush stole the 2000 election. The fighting and the finger pointing within the Democratic party does more to boost the Republicans than anything the Republicans can ever do. As they grouse about changing their message or their method of delivery, they project a message to the public that their message is insincere. Democrats need to believe what they believe. If that is what makes them a minority party then so be it. Be true to yourself, your goals and don’t change the package just to impress the masses. Most importantly make sure that the wins and losses are real and not just manipulations by a side that will do anything to win."