Elliott Bay Book Company
101 South Main Street
Seattle, Washington IN CRISIS!
Who’s Cheating and What Can We Do About It?
In contrast to the deadly silence of the media is the silent scream of the numbers. The more you ponder these numbers, and all the accompanying data, the louder that scream grows.
—Robert C. Koehler, Tribune Media Services
We believe the documents in this book form the most complete record so far of what really happened in Ohio and elsewhere immediately before, during and after the election of 2004.
—Bob Fitrakis, Steven Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman
Dr. Bob Fitrakis and Steven Rosenfeld will be the featured speakers at events in California, Oregon and Washington during the week of September 11 through September 18, 2005 in support of local voting rights and peace and justice organizations. The principles of peace and justice begin at home, and originate from respecting the social and civil rights of all citizens including, in this democratic society, the right to vote.
Millions of legally registered voters have been denied the right to vote in the last three federal elections. The disenfranchisement epidemic that began in Florida’s 2000 election continues to spread rapidly across the country. Contrary to what some voting rights sources now claim, voter fraud does not explain the widespread problems encountered at the polls in 2004. Are voters really crossing county lines to vote twice, or illegally registering to vote, or voting for dead relatives in large numbers, and if so where’s the evidence that proves this theory? The fact is incidents of reported voter fraud are few in comparison to the irregularities uncovered and now documented in states like Ohio that point directly to outright election fraud by partisan election officials sworn to protect the voting rights of all voters within their state.