C a l i f o r n i a ’ s V o t i n g I n t e g r i t y
We ask everyone who has input on what would constitute a reasonably airtight audit protocol (that is easy enough for the average person to follow) to weigh in on what the parameters of an ideal Gold Star Audit protocol should be.
If you have some good ideas in this regard and seek the reward of repairing democracy, we need your input. Please submit your paper (using an easy-to-read outline format as provided above), with your contact information, to: goldstar@califelectprotect.net by October 15th.
Thereafter, at a date yet to be determined, we will notify finalists of a panel discussion in a town hall setting where these papers may be explained and debated. The final synthesis of this process will be presented to our California legislators for a possible oversight hearing on these remedies to the inadequacies of the current Election Code. From this process we predict legislation will be drafted for the 2006 legislative cycle.