To all of you here and lurking who sent this puppy out and continued the missionary work:
:yourock: Question Of Letitimacy: Who Really Won In 2004?
Tuesday, 20 September 2005, 1:59 pm
Press Release: Concerned Americans
September 19, 2005
For Immediate Release
From: Concerned Americans
In 2005 Federal government gives Louisiana $27 million for Help America Vote Act to purchase machines for the entire state. 2004 the Bush administration cut Army Corps of Engineers budget for levee maintenance in the New Orleans area by $26 million dollars.************
Why is the Bush administration so intent on spreading voting machines and software?
Could the reason be that Bush almost always does better in electronic voting precincts?
Could another reason be that almost all the electronic voting companies are owned by right wing Republicans?
1) In early 2004, the BBC reported on serious questions about American electronic voting. David Dill, a computer expert at Stanford, questioned the reliability of voting systems, owned and operated by private companies who keep all data and operations information private. BBC pointed out that in Brazil, a separate organization exists to look at electronic voting machines during and after an election in order to keep vendors honest. In America, Diebold, etc. will not allow anyone to examine their machines since the software is "proprietary." We are voting blind with no way to check the process or even do a recount.... About 80% of the votes in this country are now tabulated & totalled by just three companies, two controlled by right wing Republicans and the third by a British company. These and other voting machine and system companies have a checkered record, some employing ex felons. This article by reporter LynnLandes details the sorry situation in detail with references. Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins University did a study on one of the most popular voting machines, Diebold, in 2003 and found numerous security problems. This was not a partisan effort but a look by a computer security expert. The results are depressing.