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RawStory: Carter says Gore won 2000 election

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Wilms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 03:35 PM
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RawStory: Carter says Gore won 2000 election


Carter says Gore won 2000 election

John Byrne

Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter delivered a shocker at an American University panel in Washington Monday: RAW STORY has learned he told the crowd he was certain Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election.

There is "no doubt in my mind that Gore won the election," the erstwhile President declared, saying the 2000 election process "failed abysmally."

He also snubbed the Supreme Court for getting involved, saying it was "highly partisan."


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mod mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 03:42 PM
Response to Original message
1. this is already on the greatest page from LBN-fyi! This is important
because it comes from a former President who had high ethical standards and has been involved in elections around the world!
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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 03:50 PM
Response to Original message
2. there really isn't any doubt about it
Gore won the popular vote and has been proved pretty well he that he would have won a recount in Florida.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 05:50 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. Deleted message
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Tesla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 07:15 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. Go home and play in your yard!
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we can do it Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 08:24 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. Get a fucking clue MORAN
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New Earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 02:34 PM
Response to Reply #5
15. LOL
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Einsteinia Donating Member (645 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-05 03:51 PM
Response to Original message
3. Timing is Everything
Isn't this a dollar short and a day late?

Though perhaps we can parlay it into providing an impetus to election integrity causes, but how?

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 05:10 AM
Response to Original message
4. Recommend this post!
Thanks Jimmy, that's a big improvement over Voter IDs.
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ladylibertee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 06:40 AM
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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 09:18 AM
Response to Reply #6
9. Important read
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 10:07 AM by bdevil89
Now I've been involved in politics only after the debacle of the 2000 election and the obvious misuse of power by the Supreme Court. I vowed that I would get Bush out if it's the last thing I would do on this planet, but I was naive in not realizing that these people will do anything to stay in power. Now the information I'm about to post is from a case that I have researched for 8 years for which I have found to be highly credible, corroborated, and relevant not only to America's future but the survival of humanity. In light of the recent hurricanes (which this case predicted along with other natural catastrophes please look at this link and the admission by President Carter that Gore won in 2000, the information is presented to provide corroborating proof of stolen elections and the lies told to start illegal wars so we can get rid of these criminals.

This link provides English topical summaries of the various information (all the information is originally in German):

I know, I know it sounds crazy (but then again they used to say the earth was flat), check out the case, anyway this is a summary of one contact conversation:

<[b>Thursday, September 9, 2004]
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

Overpopulation's (7.5 billion) dangers for the Earth
Bad leaders in government exploiting the people
World War III (WW3/WWIII) - Meier states that WW3 has been "in full course" for a long time; global military conflicts still possible in 2006, 2010, 2011 & 2012
USA, Israel, Palestine & Sudan
Death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004:
George W. Bush - a "terrorkrat"; 2nd rise to power in November 2004 (stated by Quetzal 15+ years ago); global military conflicts (WW3) possible in 2006
Republican population of the US led by "the lies and empty promises made by Bush", etc.; not able to think logically

Palestine & Yasser Arafat
John F. Kerry:
USA Presidential Election 2004 - Bush will win by fraudulently using 400,000 falsified votes manufactured during the 2000 election and stored on voting machines; Florida & Ohio will be complicated
Yasser Arafat's death in November 2004 - Israel (Ariel Sharon) will prevent his body being buried in Jerusalem:,2763,1345031,00.html
Ariel Sharon - "a thousandfold murderer and terrorist"
George W. Bush - comparable to Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Husain, Nicolae Ceausescu, Slobodan Milosevic, etc.; strives for US world domination; he isn't concerned with world terrorism, the "War On Terrorism" is a cover for attacking other countries to establish military bases in them & exploit them; he is "the worst who ever prevailed over the United States of America"
US Senators, etc.
Approximately half of Americans are opposed to war & only want direct defenses for America, not attacking other countries
Switzerland - criminals in government, free speech, the press, judicial system

According to the info, as you can see one method Bush employed was to preload extra votes into the computers counting the votes. And that both Florida and Ohio will be the main sites of voter fraud. As I've read the threads here, there is strong evidence that numerous counties had more votes than registerd voters especially in Republican districts.

There is more at these other links regarding 9-11 (basically, a terrorist attack was allowed to happen so the neocons could push through their agenda) and the Iraq war was based on false premises:

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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 09:28 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. More info regarding 2000 election, "war on terror",
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 10:05 AM by bdevil89
230th Contact October 11, 1989, p. 87:

Quetzal explains how Bush senior and friends plotted to get Bush junior elected in order to get their grubby oil greedy hands into Iraq. There is some comment about the greatest ever vote fraud, which allowed this.

Billy: Monstrous, really monstrous. It would also be just as monstrous if/when the world trade centre would be destroyed by terrorists with captured commercial airplanes, through which thousands of people would die, that Bush junior - and various of his criminal trusted ones knew that then, however undertook nothing against it. A criminal act that gains Bush the upper hand and he can let loose against Islam, naturally always under the cloak/veil that they want to free the USA and the world from terrorism. It would not be discussed that it would be the Bushes who would bring the greatest terror over the world, at least for the next 15 years.

Sunday, February 9, 2003, 5:20 p.m.
Contact person: Enjana
German excerpt:

FIGU Special Bulletins 1 & 2 were sent by email to all responsible people in the United Nations (UN)
George W. Bush - hate-filled & criminally opposed to the people of Iraq as well as the entire human race, based on fear & power-craze
Saddam Husain
Osama bin Laden
All mankind must unite together to banish (for example, to a remote island from which they can't possibly escape) all the irresponsible & criminal world rulers & terrorist leaders, and put an end to wars

Wednesday, March 19, 2003, 00:20 a.m.
Contact person: Quetzal
German excerpt:

War against Iraq began on March 18, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. by the American & British troops marching into the demilitarized zone between Kuwait & Iraq, bombs & rockets fired beyond this zone into Iraqi defenses
Rocket attack against Baghdad began at 5:33 p.m. Iraq time
Peace demonstrations are useless
Saddam Husain's instructions to set fire to the oil fields
George W. Bush, Tony Blair & the ruling powers of Japan, Australia & Spain are war criminals no different than Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Slobodan Milosevic & others
Meier once met & spoke with Saddam Husain in the company of Saddam's double; Meier can't understand how a double could be mistaken for Saddam, who has a birthmark under his right eye that twitches when he is agitated
Religion, Christianity, Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla)
George W. Bush considers himself a Christian, allowed over 150 people to be executed during his governorship; in his alcoholic insanity he believes he had a conversation with God: , although all this is a conscious deception of the people aimed at exercising power & proving to his father George H.W. Bush that he is useful; he lied to the American people about Saddam Husain being a threat to the U.S., the most horrible lie ever conceived in the entire history of mankind on Earth
Political & religious problems & disputes can never be solved by war, rather from reason, understanding, wisdom, love & if necessary, non-violent force by
banishment by the people

Wednesday, April 2, 2003, 11:57 p.m.
Contact person: Quetzal
German excerpt:

Iraq war - collapse of Saddam Husain's regime officially on April 9, 2003 when forces take control of Baghdad; unofficially the regime collapse has already taken place; Iraqi people will be glad for the fall of the regime but anxious over the American & British control; Shiite Muslims will want a religious state like Iran; a very large resistance will develop & terrorist liberation organizations; the Shiites will come to power with the Mullahs having power & authority, thus a dictatorship again
America will threaten Syria & other countries
American & British soldiers plundering Iraqi art & treasure covertly since the beginning of the war

check out these links for further information: (talks about Bush, Condi Rice, and Iran further down) (the site is down now, but should be back up)

The basic solution given to avoid a world war is that the U.S. has to pull all military (thank you Cindy Sheehan) out of foreign countries (even pull back its economic imperialism) and defend our own borders

Here's the link for a possible solution:

More to follow: please check the links out, we need to get these criminals out evenif they won't let us vote them out)

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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 09:40 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. More info regarding Bush, Elections, Iraq
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 09:45 AM by bdevil89
Saturday, December 31, 1988, 4:00 p.m.
Contact person: Quetzal
excerpt in To The Statesmen In Power And To Mankind Of Earth:
German excerpts:

Meier told to publish the Henok prophecies after January 1, 2003
World War 3 (WWIII) - Meier to warn Earth governments; great threat comes from America, Israel, Iraq & Palestine; America the greatest threat, partly the reason why Islamic terrorist groups will rise; George W. Bush, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Husain & Ariel Sharon; World War 3 (WWIII) probable in 2006 according to the prophecies of Henok; two-thirds of humanity will die; still avoidable if the irresponsible leaders & their supporters & followers are removed from power and replaced with responsible leaders; Meier doubts any will heed his warnings, "nonetheless, it is necessary to raise the voice and shout into the world all that what has to be shouted with might"

Slavery in America
Zoology; mammals, reptiles, fish, monkeys & birds
Microorganisms in ice, North Pole, South Pole, volcanoes, magma, tundra; Antarctic, ecosystem
Anne Frank, concentration camps, Berlin, Nazis, Adolph Hitler; Denmark, Holland, Norway
Clones, cloning; genes, DNA, chromosomes, methyl-molecule
Tsunamis; Santorini volcano; Egypt, Syria; Sumatra, Java, 1883 eruption of Krakatoa volcano
Universal-belt, positive & negative, material-belt, material-universe; electrons, gases, neutrons, neutrinos, atoms, sub-atomic particles
Gravitational strength; meteors, asteroids, comets; Professor Brenner
Priest Zimmermanns, Karl Graf & Gustav Lehmann
Evolution of plants & animals; plants, reptiles, insects & animals
Religion, "God", "Jesus Christ", Jmmanuel

Friday, February 3, 1989, 00:07 a.m.
Contact person: Quetzal

"Black cancer" , sunlight radiation
Electricity; animals, plants, birds, fish & insects
Cell phones, mobile phones, transportable communication equipment
George W. Bush, Iraq, oil, George H.W. Bush; George W. Bush thinking himself to be God's Avenger & God's Deputy to rid the world of Islam; Iraq War beginning March 18, 2003; England & Australia; Saddam Husain & 2 doubles
Alliance of men & women; sexuality; prostitution among Pleiadians/Plejaren ended 34,761 years ago
Swiss, Germany
Energy of the thermosphere; atomic bombs; micro-organic life
Immune system, stress, organs, vegetative nervous system; stress, neuroses, psychopathic, psychoses
Nickname - word defined
Languages - Spanish, Greek, English, Chinese, hieroglyphics, Latin

Wednesday, October 11, 1989
Contact person: Quetzal
German excerpts:

Gulf War 1 ("Desert Storm") - George H.W. Bush will lead a multinational army in 1991 against Iraq but will have to end it due to strong Iraqi resistance & reluctance of coalition partners to continue; he will plot for his son George W. Bush to come to power to finish the effort to incorporate Iraq into the US for its oil; George W. Bush will become governor of Texas in 1995, he will have many people executed under the death penalty (a large number will be innocent); Bush father & son will work with friends to steer Bush Jr. into the presidency in November 2000 by electoral fraud

Loch Ness "monster" of Scotland - explained; 2 parent & 1 young Plesiosaurus; why their existence will be difficult to prove; Meier taken to see them

Here's more about the Iraq war II:

Thursday, November 9, 1989
Contact person: Quetzal
German excerpts:

Genetic engineering & genetically modified foods - irrational fears; a large turn towards genetic engineering will come in the new millennium

George W. Bush & Tony Blair will conspire against Iraq if Gulf War I doesn't succeed; they will spread the lie that Saddam Husain has weapons of mass destruction ("ABC weapons", atomic, biological & chemical); Gulf War II will happen in 2003; suicide bombers & terrorists ("insurgents"); Bush, Blair & CIA will lie to the public again saying they "erred" on Saddam having ABC weapons

Saturday, July 20, 2002, 6:33 a.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat & the Palestinian suicide-bombers, & all other world powers who act in the same manner--are not working for peace, liberty & security by their "war on terror", rather they are seeking to obtain resources for their country & personal political & financial power; these world leaders who thirst for power, wealth, revenge & retaliation etc. can never be true leaders, rather they are war criminals; qualities of a true leader defined; regarding claims that the American government had a hand in the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) in order to further its plans for world domination, when one considers what was done in Afghanistan in regards to this "one could actually imagine that the rumor has hand and foot"

Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 1:48 a.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpts:

George W. Bush, Tony Blair & Ariel Sharon & their followers & supporters, Al-Qaeda & other terrorists - if they are not removed from power World War III (WW3/WWIII) will break out
America & its military must withdraw from all countries & Israel must return the land to the Arabs

Saturday, December 6, 2003, 00:16 a.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

George W. Bush - was an alcoholic and converted to Evangelism believing he is destined by God to take revenge against unbelievers? & Muslims in particular; he can't differentiate between fantasy & reality anymore; he understands humans who are easily influenced & weak in intelligence (who can't discern his real nature) in order to mesmerize them into acting as tools for his bloody conquest & revenge campaigns
Dangers of religious fanatics & fundamentalists
Resistance in Afghanistan & Iraq against the invaders will continue for a long time
If America withdraws itself militarily & economically from all countries it could take 50-80 years to achieve a real world peace; the whole world would have to be under a world government that guaranteed security & administration for each country, but it could never be in America, but rather a neutral country perhaps somewhere in the mountains or in a desert...

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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 09:56 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. Possible solutions
Friday, March 12, 2004
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

March 11, 2004 Madrid, Spain terrorist train bombing:,_2004_Madrid_attacks
Religious & political terrorists - George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Jose Maria Aznar (Prime Minister of Spain) & Tony Blair
Kloten Airport (Switzerland)
European Union (EU)
People need to remove political leaders from power who do not truly represent the people and set up government leaders who do
Greatest war & terrorist threats come from the USA, Israel & Palestine & others
America is the greatest evil in the world due to its policies of being the "world police"; there are good peaceful people in the USA but they are a minority; if the US withdraws itself from all countries militarily, politically, economically & religiously a peace may come to the world

Friday, April 2, 2004
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

"a very dark time is unfortunately approaching, which is determined by the" terrorist actions of America & Israel
Civil war in Iraq
Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon & Yasser Arafat are "the most dangerous elements on Earth"

Switzerland - politicians trying to force it into the "dictatorship" of the European Union (EU); this will happen soon by the Schengener Agreement
Corporate economics - global mismanagement
Domestic crimes, child abuse, etc. must also be punished

Friday, January 14, 2005, 00:55 a.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

George W. Bush - believes he is God's deputy on the Earth to rid the world of bad people & all non-Christian believers especially Muslims; is preparing plans for attacking Iran where U.S. spies already operate
Warning the people by predictions has been fruitless over the past 30 years of Meier's attempts
Possibility of World War III (WW3/WWIII) in 2006 according to old prophesies

Condoleeza Rice:
Tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004: - 116,406 additional people discovered dead; 2,312 additional people lost their lives from December 31, 2004 to January 13, 2005 at 6:10 p.m. due to indirect effects of the disaster (disease, suicide); total of 359,796 people have died since the tsunami (as of 6:10 p.m. on January 13, 2005)

Here's info regarding the natural catastrophes, please follow the further links:

Friday, January 21, 2005, 00:17 a.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpts:

Letter written by Meier at the age of 14 (in 1951) to all governments & also pertinent organizations, newspapers, journals, schools, etc.; 3000 copies sent out with the assistance of his teacher Gustav Lehmann; letter written based on predictions & prophecies explained to him by Sfath; Ptaah received a copy of the old letter from Asket - coming troubles for the world if the people do not remove the irresponsible leaders from power in the governments, military & science; prostitution will become a "respectable occupation"; the 1980s will see the rise of the drug epidemic, negative pysche-impairing destructive music & epidemics spread from animals; overpopulation, etc. etc.

Natural catastrophes - have not always been as they are these days; typhoons, tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, rain, snow & hail have increased by 38% since 1914; seaquakes & earthquakes have increased by 27% since 1914; volcanic activity has increased worldwide by 6% since 1914; 67% of these catastrophes are due to human activities; the statements that these catastrophes are a punishment from God is nonsense; every religious divinity is nothing more than a fantasy; these catastrophes are caused by overpopulation and the strain upon Earth that results from it
George W. Bush - second inauguration; in all the history of mankind on Earth there has never been a more dangerous man in regards to Earth humanity & world peace; one must ask how stupid must those people be who support him

Switzerland - wants to introduce an automobile CO2 (carbon dioxide) tax in an effort to stop the greenhouse effect
Overpopulation - Meier recognized the problem in the 1950s

Tuesday, January 25, 2005, 00:17 a.m.
Contact person: Quetzal
German excerpt:

Condoleeza Rice: - she is the most dangerous element at George W. Bush's side, both believing they have to rid the world of terrorism under direct orders from God, both suffering from paranoia and psychopathic damage expressed in abnormal feelings & behavior
January 27, 2005 commemoration ceremonies of the Soviets freeing of prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration camp in Birkenau, Poland; an idiotic undertaking which renews Nazi sentiments:
NPD (National Party Deutschlands) could allow Nazism to gain a foothold in Germany again:
German soldiers unofficially participate with the Americans in Afghanistan; general state of affairs in Germany
Anti-war films, remembrance ceremonies, documentaries & books - psychologically harmful, etc.
Right-wing & left-wing extremism
Holocaust of World War II - must remain in the past & not dredged up through documentaries, books, etc. which are in principle glorifications of the atrocities, bringing rise to new hatreds

Thursday, February 3, 2005, 10:57 p.m.
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpts:

Meier & FIGU's internet publications - secret services, federal polices & government agencies interested in the information provided
Meier - accused of being a revolutionary or politically-motivated, which is far from the truth; his purpose is to fulfill his mission, spread the theory of the spirit, to instruct people in the creative-natural truth & love & resulting peace, internal & external liberty & harmony; secret service agents interfere in the internet discussion forums of the FIGU/Meier material, slandering Meier; "Stupidity, weak intelligence, lies, slandering and reviling can be fought not by justifications, but only and alone by a willful and reasonable silence and by neglect"; character of those who slander

World War III (WW3/WWIII) possible in 2006; George W. Bush will be to blame; Iran & Syria

Conspiracy theory books - unreasonable & stupid, writers of these books aim for profit by instilling fear & have no truth or useful information to provide
AIDS - new form is spreading which reaches the acute & deadly phase only after a few weeks
HIV - retrovirus mutates & transforms due to affects of other viruses and bacteria
Earth scientists still very ignorant about virology & bacteriology

Saturday, July 2, 2005
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

On July 7, 2005 there will be a 4-part terrorist attack in London by Al-Qaeda with 1 bus being destroyed by a bomb & 3 bombs exploding in the subway; reasons given for the spread of terrorism; irresponsibility of leaders & politicians; terrorism could be stopped if the USA withdrew itself from all countries & stopped intimidating & meddling in the affairs of other nations; the USA is the real enemy to world peace; Earth humans must also learn the creational laws & directives and live by them for peace to be accomplished

Saturday, July 9, 2005
Contact person: Ptaah
German excerpt:

Different forms of terrorism & terrorist organizations, religious fanatics, military & secret services terrorism, Al-Qaeda, mujahideen, suicide bombers, misconceptions among the western nations about Islam & misconceptions among the Islamic nations about the western nations

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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 09:58 AM
Response to Original message
13. sorry for the long post
But this has to do with fraudulent elections that have happened since 2000, and the unjustified wars done in the name of the U.S. on behalf of our corrupt and megalomaniacal leaders (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice).

This case and its numerous contact information (as I have laid out the relevant ones in the context of the elections and the Iraq war, and a possible solution to the avoidance of a highly likely world war if nothing is done).

Read the information I posted, and check out the links, I have researched the case for almost 8 years, and have found it to be credible and relevant to our future survival, read it for yourself.

Namely, the most immediate action is to get our military out of Iraq and eventually other areas as well. Then, we have to take these "leaders" out of their positions and banish them to some form of prison. What Cindy Sheehan has started is the first step. The information in the case also talks about a possible civil war in the US. Can you not see the obvious polarization of the American people? Couple that with rising energy prices, and natural disasters, a civil war or some sort of crisis is highly likely. Again sorry for the long post, this is my first post and the fact that mention is made of the stolen election, I decided to post the relevant information regarding those elections along with consequences of the US policies (foreign, and military).

Again, please read the posts and check out the links, this is for our future survival, not just some future election.

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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 10:01 AM
Response to Original message
14. Other preponderous evidence and the case and its relevancy
The case is not just about who is making contact, but the reason for the contact and the content of the message which is about the future survival of our civilization. Many things are explained (cause the of increasingly violent weather, increased earthquakes which they say is in fact due to anthropogenic global warming and our constant extraction of oil and natural gas from the earth, overpopulation), the Tunguska event (look it up on wikipedia) is explained, and many more (roberto calvi being murdered instead of dying of natural causes, the pyramids, the extinction of the dinosaurs (a big meteor that crash landed in the mexican yucatan area... Go to the site and read the newsletters which show further confirmation of the credibility of the case, but more importantly the essence and relevance of the message which is about our future survival..

Bottomline, this war is illegal, the elections were hijacked (our one avenue of redress has been taken away from us since 2000, look at (the contact case explains that one avenue of fraud was by preloading votes onto the computer in favor of Bush (look at the mention of overrepresentation in many bush counties). Ultimately, there is a high likelihood of a world war in 2006 unless we take action (which is to pull military out of Iraq and other areas according to them). Read the info in the reply thread above

Also, the case presented a document that is supposedly the source for the Gospel of Matthew (called the Talmud of Jmmanuel). A professor spent 6 years of his life analyzing the document to see if it was a hoax, and his conclusion was that it wasn't (the site explains how the analysis was done, and what the criteria was, check out

This document blows the whole Evangelical argument out of the water, if this is true, the die-hard faith of all religious zealots will be brought down. This blind faith could lead to a massive catastrophe simply because WMDs in their hands (Bush, Bin Laden, etc.) could make it a real possiblity. And it just has been revealed what Jihad really means (which never called for terrorism, war, conversion of people to islam), read my previous post on that, and check out the links. This is huge obviously for Muslims, and their fanatical wing. If they realized that their conception of Jihad is not true, then can bring a lot of moderate muslim support to ridding of these terrorists. Much of the teachings of both Jmmanuel (or Jesus according to Paul) and Muhammed have been falsified by power hungry and delusional people (in Islam's case, it was Omar).
Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post, but this is highly relevant for everybody, we need to mobilize and get the troops home and these criminals out of office.

Again I point you to my previous posts and the aforementioned links (, read the newsletters and other articles) (

This needs to get out, with energy prices going out of control and the increasing polarization of this country, who knows where were going (they say a civil war, who would have thought another civil war would have been possible esp. in America).

Take care and read the information I posted and follow the links, don't take my word for it.

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psychonaut Donating Member (21 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-05 04:26 PM
Response to Original message
16. its about time
now why cant our CURRENT democratic leaders say the same thing?
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bdevil89 Donating Member (10 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-02-05 09:19 AM
Response to Reply #16
17. BUMP
People, please read the information, this case further corroborates the theory that manipulated e-voting was a major factor in the fraudulent election (among other methods used).

This case is highly credible (look at the material and the sites I've mentioned) and has been corroborated by other events and discoveries for which the case published information much prior (months to years to decades in advance) to "official discovery or report". But much more important is the mention of a highly likely WWWIII largely due in part to U.S. military and foreign policy.

Also, some of the info talks about natural catastrophes that will begin to mark the beginning of a possible WWWIII, specifically gigantic hurricanes (Katrina, Rita, etc.) and violent firestorms (CA and other parts of the country). The work done here on the elections is not only truly patriotic but correct, everyone here was and is right, The Republican party has hijacked the elections since 2000, so that their agenda (specifically, the neoconserative one) could get through (actually, I don't think a lot of moderate republicans were on board for the 2004 election, hence the paradox of Bush's supposed 8 million votes surplus from 2000). To think, that elections could be manipulated to such a degree and for such callous and greedy reasons is certainly a shock to our sense of reality, but it did happen. What is even more disconcerting, is that the people in power (Bush (a delusional puppet) and the neocon cabal have allowed such a tragedy (9/11) to help galvanize public support for a "do anything" approach to a straw man of sorts.

2006, according to the material, is highly likely considering the events that have come to pass. The invasion of Iraq was clearly based on lies (even the material mentions the fact that the "War on Terrorism" is simply about the establishment of military bases in key strategic areas in the world, in this case for the oil supply (why do you think Iran is next on the agenda, to finish the pipeline, and why we negotiate with North Korea (bc there's nothing there).

Again look at the material, people, we need to expose the Republican party (mind you not all Republicans are bad), we need to remove these criminals from power and obviously the elections are not a likely way unless there'e a huge supermajority on polling (as the republicans have brought questioning exit polls into the American media and thus, into the American mind) or we get verifiable and transparent elections (how likely is that?).

My appeal is that read the material and decide for yourself, this involves much more than elections, in fact, it's about the avoidance of a World Wide war that could be worse than all the past wars combined. Check and in fact, please listen to the radio interviews of an expert on the case's material. Here are links to these :

PLEASE LISTEN To These Interviews if nothing else, Thank you
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