Edited on Fri Sep-30-05 02:25 PM by btmlndfrmr
Greetings form the farm,
Been a while...
Time for a little reverse engineerin' ... eh what!?
The premise of the subject is this. How would YOU design and implement Election fraud? Your budget is unlimited.
I for one do believe there was hanky panky... in more ways then one... by whom, matters not. To prevent it from happening again is the goal... to show how just how porous technology was and is... the key.
When a long time ago... I pointed to the E-PROMS containing hidden code or the CMOS, it was based off of cocky comments by freepers.... Posts about how we would never find hidden code.
So... the more clever and hidden the better. What ever you design should be back-wards compatible to older technology If you want to say a simple back door in GEMS fine, sure...What about before GEMS? I suggest starting with a 15 year old off the shelf PC Go back further if you like. Any takers?
Participants get homemade cookies... ...and... ice cream. WOOT!
skids was right.. TIA never lost a joust. Mr. Beck continues to open our eyes.
To the rest of the relentless here....
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
not gonna ride this thread.