The CIBER Huntsville and CIBER Global Security teams were tasked with performing a combination of testing and analysis of the Diebold Election System’s Source Code to identify security and functionality vulnerabilities. The testing was structured to identify and evaluate as much potential vulnerability as possible within a reasonable/controlled level of effort.
It seems one thing for the Berkley team to avoid the question of the presence of interpreted code as a violation of the VVSG and instead recommend band-aides. And it seems quite another for the ITA to side-step the issue, too. Though there was this line in the Exec Summ that caught my eye.
The interpreter had three security vulnerabilities and a small number of requirement violations that were not capable of being exploited by malicious code or operators. Of the three serious problems, they can be fixed with minor code changes.
If I read that correctly, they're saying that there are three security vulnerabilities that can be fixed with minor code changes.
And they say there are a "number of requirement violations", but argue that in the case of the TSx DRE, it's acceptable because they could detect that. Actually, I'd like to hear from Ion Sancho and Harry Hursti about that. In the middle paragraph, they seem to say they can't confirm the Hursti Hack, though they acknowledge as possible.
AV-OS and TSX Finding: Three violations exist that allow manipulation and reading of data in global space. Three different types of modified tokens used to index data outside of their intended memory range cause the vulnerabilities, each with slightly different effects. These can only be exploited by a modified AccuBasic object file.
It is quite possible that these exploits can be used in conjunction with each other in a way to produce an escalation of privileges, depending on the operating environment and the compiler settings. The evaluation team confirmed the flaws are present and considered dangerous, but proof-positive exploit for an escalation was not possible without access to a working development environment and appropriate development software.
The TSX environment contains a check to validate the AccuBasic object files, so if a file is tampered, the tampering will be detected. Therefore, this problem is more severe for AV-OS than it is for TSX. TSX can still be considered election ready because such tampering will be detected.
I think that may be the argument Shamos made when he recommended decertifying the OpScans and letting the DRE's in. Very ugly consequence.