New Mexico Governor To Sign Bill Guaranteeing a Paper Ballot For The States Voters
But How Long Will It Take To Come Into Effectby John Gideon
Today Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico made a powerful statement to officials in all states (see below) as he announced that tomorrow he would be signing legislation that would require the state of New Mexico to go to a paper ballot based voting system. No longer will the state use Sequoia DRE voting machines. The machines that reported large numbers of undervotes in previous elections. The same machines that disenfranchised minority voters.
This all sounds wonderful, except………opponents of the legislation managed to get the legislation amended so that voting systems "owned or used" as of 1 May 2006 that do not use paper ballots can continue to be used until, among other things, debt on purchases of those machines are paid by the state. Then, the bill that appropriated funds to pay off the debt died in committee. Now the state needs to find the money to pay off the debt.
snip VoteTrustUSA has more.