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Election Justice News
keeping you informed about the struggle for democracy in America
March 2006
Greetings patriots,
There are so many recent developments relating to the electronic voting machines, I can hardly keep up. Every time I start to write this newsletter, another big story breaks, and I have to start over. Even though the media continues to ignore us, it feels like the concern about electronic voting is starting to take root a little more in the mainstream world. More people are starting to realize there is a problem. And at the same time, the folks who have been working on this for years are starting to have an impact. But there is still much work to do.
Welcome to Solar Bus's Election Justice News. Since our last newsletter, democracy continues to hang by a thread, like a chad on a punchcard. But it seems to be a very strong thread, that won't let go.
In this newsletter:
Electronic voting machines headed to the Supreme Court
New independent study confirms Diebold optical scan machines can be rigged
California un-de-certifies Diebold... but...
Things are heating up in Pennsylvania too
New Mexico lawsuit goes forward
Big Call To Action could result in Diebold subpeonas!
Diebold whistleblower faces charges
100,000 errors found in Palm Beach County, FL
More Diebold in the news...
New Jersey: Electronic Voting violates the Constitution
300,000 voters were purged from Ohio prior to '04 election
Governor of Maryland 'No Longer Has Confidence' in Diebold
Candidates to support
The MUST READ BOOK gets more attention... and not
National Election Data Archive releases "irrefutable evidence" that Ohio's 2004 election results were manipulated
Volusia County FL: new evidence shows manipulation of vote counts, memory card errors
Do you have your free Election Truth CD-ROM yet?
Need a laugh (or a hundred)?
Bob Ney: a central figure in multiple scandals, including election fraud