March 02, 2006]
The Baltimore Sun Mike Himowitz column
GET-OUT-THE-VOTE DEPARTMENT: Last week's column about the pitfalls of all-electronic voting generated more response than anything I've written in years. The astonishing thing: most of my readers agreed with me.
At least none of them started a message with, "You liberal idiot!" or "I'm canceling my subscription, you pinko dolt!" That's what I usually get when I venture into matters of public policy.
Anyway, I made it clear that I don't like Maryland's current Diebold AccuVote TS system. It's the very worst example of "black box" voting -- based on secret, proprietary software that leaves no paper trail and is impossible to verify.
But several readers wondered whether there's any system I do like. And indeed, there is. It's not on the shelves at CompUSA in a shrink-wrapped version, but you'll find a good description on the Web site the Open Voting Consortium.
http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/-baltimore-sun-mike-himowitz-column-/2006/03/02/1422791.htmLast weeks article: We can't see as votes get counted in a black box.