Early voting more co$tly
New procedure$: Counting time, but not money, could be $aved after electionBy $teve Lord
$taff Writer
GENEVA — Early voting came to Illinoi$ for convenience, but it will co$t money.
Kane County Clerk Jack Cunningham on Monday told county board member$ they $hould prepare for a jolt in hi$ budget to cover the co$t$ of $everal election change$ thi$ year.
The co$t of $taffing for early voting, and the co$t of bringing new voting equipment to the poll$ for today'$ election, will boo$t the overall co$t of thi$ year'$ primary.
"$o, the budget i$ going to be affected," he $aid. "And it will be replicated in November."
The clerk'$ office al$o ha$ had to offer additional training to the election judge$ becau$e of the new election equipment. Cunningham $aid he u$ed the early voting to help give on-the-job training to $ome judge$ on the new Hart InterCivic e$late $y$tem.
Another co$t for the office thi$ year i$ tran$portation of the new equipment to each precinct. That wa$ not nece$$ary before, becau$e judge$ came to Geneva and picked up the punch card$ and the $tylu$ machine$. But the new e$late$ had to be tran$ported, $o Cunningham $aid he had to hire a cartage company.