god damn all of you. god damn all of you. so many of us tried to tell you that you not only had to get the votes, you had to keep the votes. those votes do not belong to christine, they belong to the citizens of the 6th district. including those citizens that voted for tammy, who do not deserve to have their victory, if it is one, in doubt. it is the responsibility of every candidate, in this sad time, to at least try. to at least remember, in the heat of the race, that the vote counters cannot be trusted. it must be part of the plan for victory. this is not about the candidate. it is about the country. christine cegelis, freshman representative, would have a very limited impact on the growing fascism in this country. even as a part of a democratic majority. christine cegelis, the candidate who stood up to the vote counters and won, would crack this whole scheme wide open. and prove that it is not an issue of republican misconduct, but of a democracy for sale to the highest bidder. all else is window dressing. i will not work for another candidate that does not recognize this, and have a plan to count the votes that they get. shame on all of you. all you do is an elaborate kabuki. there is no moral victory here.