Thought you may be interested in this article, maybe this is what we are up against in America?

In Peru, bribes were bigger for media barons than for judges
John McMillan, Pablo Zoido
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Snip....The politicians' bribes were mostly between $5,000 and $20,000 per month. Bribes went not only to opposition congressmen but also to Fujimori's Cabinet.
A prominent example is Federico Salas, Fujimori's last prime minister, who confessed to accepting an extra salary from Montesinos of $30,000 per month. The bribe price for ordinary judges was $2,500 to $10,000 per month. Supreme Court judges got bribes of around $25,000 per month, and the president of the Supreme Court got $35,000.
Snip...In an attempt to discredit the journalists who dared investigate the government, the tabloids carried hundreds of stories defaming them with bizarre labels: "a mental midget," "a she devil," "undercover terrorist," "paid coup provocateur."
Among television channels, one was state-owned, Channel 7, and Montesinos had control over its content. The five privately owned television broadcasters, Channels 2, 4, 5, 9 and 13, were bought off, as was a cable service, CCN. One alone offered independent investigative journalism: the other cable channel, Channel N, owned by El Comercio. (It was on this channel that the Kouri videotape that brought everything down was first aired).