3 repub candidates in the same County on the same day.
http://www.pww.org/article/articleview/4642/1/197 A Nov. 7, 2002, Associated Press story datelined Snyder, Texas, reported, “A defective computer chip in the county’s optical scanner misread ballots Tuesday night and incorrectly tallied a landslide victory for Republicans.” Poll workers became suspicious. As a result of those workers’ inquiry, a new computer chip was flown to Snyder, Texas, from Dallas. Once the new chip was installed, the computer verified that the Democrat had won the election. The question remains: Was this an innocent computer glitch or something far more sinister, an attempt to steal that election for the Republicans?
In a July 30, 2003, article published by Alternet.org titled, “The Theft of Your Vote is Just a Chip Away,” writer Thom Hartmann reported on another “Texas anomaly.” In the November 2002 election in Comal County, Republican state Sen. Jeff Wentworth won with 18,181 votes, Republican Carter Casteel won a state House seat with 18,181 votes, and Judge Danny Scheel (a conservative) won his race with 18,181 votes. All three in the same county, same day, same year, all three with exactly the same number of votes. However, no poll workers in the county asked for a new chip.
http://blog.democrats.com/node/430 18181
Submitted by Raul_V on November 10, 2004 - 2:58am.Upcoming Elections
This might be old history for some, but is intriguing that no representative of the DNC ever actually pursued legal action based on the facts.
In November of 2002, Max Cleland lost to Sambliss in Georgia. All the exit polls were "wrong" and, without explantion, Cleland lost. Machines were part of the issue, of course.
But, also, in 5 different minor races that year, 5 Republican candidates won their elected positions with the same number of votes, machines "counting" the ballots.
Final result of ALL these 5 races for the Republican "winner":
18181 votes.
Some of you will understand the "joke". The binary code assigns letters to numeric characters, is a form of basic "computer coding", let's say that. Where 1 is "a", 8 would be "h"...you guessed that right!, the result of the translation then would be:
18181 = ahaha
18181 = ahaha
18181 = ahaha
Pretty funny isn't?
Another story was the Diebold memo about the machine that booted up with -16,022 votes for Gore.
... a memo by GES employee Lana Hires to her supervisor during the 2000 election: “I need some answers,” she writes. “Our department is being audited by the county. I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16,022 votes when it was uploaded. Will someone please explain this so that I have the information to give the auditor instead of standing here ‘looking dumb?’”