By: Norla Antinoro
SNIP....It’s actually quite frightening. In spite of the problems uncovered in state after state as they use and test these electronic voting and ballot counting systems, more states are opting for the electronic option, some of them without the paper trails. At least in some states, like Arizona, there is a paper ballot that is used so that if the vote looks too far off what one would expect, a recount can be called and the ballots can be counted by hand from the original paper. The new paperless machines make this impossible. Nothing but electronic records exist.
I will always vote absentee so that there will be a paper trail of my vote. It’s not much, but it is a small act that I can make in the direction of securing the integrity of our elections. It is not, however, enough
Now, while not every state has bought these expensive government stealing machines, is when we need to get really active in stopping the move to paperless ballots. Once every state has the paperless machines as the only way to vote, the people will have no voice unless they rise up in arms and rebel. Only the owners of the machines will have a say in government once the machines are the only way votes are counted.
It is looking very much like something out of a George Orwell nightmare. The winner of the election will be proclaimed based on the results from the voting machines…….programmed by the corporate sponsors who got the contract for the machines this year…….to produce a result decided upon at the most recent meeting of the G8………