Why is Ireland making excuses?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
And paper ballot printing has been a problem too. Even though ES&S requires ballots be printed by their own printers and on their own "special" paper (at a cost over twice per ballot than if they were printed by a county contractor on normal card stock), they still cannot seem to get the ballots delivered on time and without errors. North Carolina, Indiana, Texas, and California counties have all experienced problems with ballots that had to be sent back three or four times for re-printing.
Are Secretary Ireland and some county officials making excuses for ES&S because they now realize they made a huge mistake when they selected ES&S as the vendor for the state? It certainly seems that they are not bothering to look beyond the state's borders to see what is happening with this company in the rest of the country. If they simply shrug this all off as a "daunting task" are they really serving the voters? Or are they crossing their fingers, wishing for the best and hoping to protect themselves?
It's the voters -- not the government officials nor the private corporations receiving those voters' tax-dollars - who end up paying the ultimate price for democracy lost.