Internet Voting -
Whose stupid idea is this?
Is this a plan to rig the 08 primary?
Disfunction in the DNC
August 21, 2006 Internet Voting
The 2008 Rules contain a new provision allowing Internet voting under certain conditions.
Internet voting can only apply to State Party-run primaries and must be accompanied by in-person
voting locations and vote by mail. Additionally, Internet voting must include a comprehensive outreach and education program to reach those who lack access as well as certain security and technical safeguards. Is this Donna Brazile's idea? She IS the Chairman of the VRI Committee:Text
8/18/06 Forbes Magazine
Looking to broaden primary voting participation,
the committee also voted to encourage
state parties to provide for Internet voting. Some questioned whether such a step could disenfranchise some poor and minority voters,
who have more limited access to computers.
"Because of the ongoing digital divide, we're going to continue to monitor how that's implemented,"
said Donna Brazile, a member of the rules committee who has been active in DNC efforts to reach out to minorities. Here are the top deciders in the DNC's Voting Rights Institute:Brad Friedman reported on a very disfunctional annual DNC gathering in Chicago.Some leaders within the Democratic Party clearly hold
election integrity and advocates with great disdain:
DYSFUNCTION AT THE DNC: Brad Addresses the DNC on Election Integrity, But Is Anybody There Listening?
A First-hand Account from this Year's Annual Democratic National Party Gathering in Chicago
PLUS: 'Internet Voting' (Incredibly) Rears Its Ugly Head at the DNC and EXCLUSIVE Outtakes from Jesse Jackson's Address on the State of Our Elections at 'High National Security Risk'
"They're dumb as shit."
– Donna Brazile to Rolling Stone for an article this week, discussing her frustration with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and making the party understand the need to be vigilant during Election 2006.
"Fuck you."
– Donna Brazile to an Election Integrity Advocate at the annual DNC gathering last weekend in Chicago after being asked where the party was in Ohio after Election 2004.
Such were the contradictions and dysfunctions on parade last weekend in Chicago where I was invited to address a panel on Electoral Integrity at the DNC's annual gathering of state party chairs. What a mess....
Donna Brazile seemed to be singing a different tune in her comments to Rolling Stone, but the message from too many of the folks at the DNC seemed to be a big "Fuck You" to all of us.
Oh, and I should add that she reportedly followed the "Fuck you" to the Election Integrity Advocate with a "where the hell were you twenty years ago?"
The Election Integrity Advocate replied in kind: "I don't know, but 40 years ago I was across the street getting beat up by the Chicago police." The weekend's gathering was held in the same hotel, apparently, as the infamous 1968 DNC Convention where protesters had hit the streets to make their points to the DNC, only to meet the business end of Mayor Daley's police brigades. My note: many of you know the advocate that Brazile so arrogantly insulted.
He got a great VVPB law passed in his state just recently.
Brazile's odd friendship with Karl Rove: see last few paragaphs -
Brazile tells Rove how Bush policies are playing and checks in with him before her television appearances. "He bounces things off me, and I'll say, 'That's going to get you in a lot of trouble,' " she said.
In exchange,
Rove has been kind to Brazile's friends and clients, such as Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) and District Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D). When she complained that one of her consulting clients was excluded from a White House event, "he sent me a three-page memo." Rove invited Brazile to the White House mess, "so we can get people wagging their tongues."
The two stopped their discussions three months before the midterm elections, and then got back in touch to do an election postmortem.
"People think I'm crazy talking to Karl Rove," Brazile said, but "there's something about this guy." Still, Brazile draws the line at advising Rove about appealing to minorities, her specialty. "Hell, no," she said. "He'd have to pay for that advice." © 2003 The Washington Post Company¬Found=true
One activist says that the DNC Ohio report was a cover up, stating that these bad things did happen but would not change the out come of the 2004 election in Ohio. They did not address the election fraud of the machines and election officials!!! The RFK Jr report in Rolling Stone set the record straight.
The activist that Donna Brazile said "Fuck you" to says this:
"After seeing this video you will see that Joe Andrews echoes Donna L. Brazile resolutions election reform base on evidence of widespread voter confusion; voter suppression; negligence and incompetence on the part of election officials; long lines at the polls; improper requests for voter identification, particularly among young voters and African American voters; the failure to properly process absentee ballots and the improper use of provisional ballots in Ohio on Election Day 2004.
Yes this being ALL TRUE and outrageous, however this does not tell the whole story about what happen in Ohio."
Solution proposed: some activists are mounting a campaign that Howard Dean appoint Robert Kennedy Jr as the Democratic party’s voting chief instead of Donna Brazile, definitely “old school,” and crude besides.