Vote Act"--the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (now indicted or resigned in bribery scandals)--and who benefited from the $3.1 billion electronic voting boondoggle, to know that a Katrina-sized disaster would be made of our election system, including the disaster of a second Bush Junta term of power with a Diebold Congress to rubber-stamp the "unitary executive"'s whims on torture, spying, ripping up the Constitution, more tax cuts for the super-rich and more unjust, illegal, unnecessary war.
And the beneficiaries are...
DIEBOLD: Until recently, headed by Wally O'Dell, a Bush-Cheney campaign chair and major fundraiser (a Bush "Pioneer," right up there with Ken Lay), who promised in writing to "deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush-Cheney in 2004"; and
ES&S: A spinoff of Diebold (similar computer architecture), initially funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the extremist 'christian' Chalcedon Foundation (which touts the death penalty for homosexuals, among other things). Diebold and ES&S have an incestuous relationship; they are run by two brothers, Bob and Todd Urosevich.
These are the people who "counted" 80% of the nation's votes in 2004, under a veil of corporate secrecy--as the result of H.A.V.A.
And, SEQUOIA: The third major election theft machine player, which hired Republican former Calif Secretary of State Bill Jones, and his chief aide, Alfie Charles, to peddle their machines--in an outstanding example of the highly corrupt practice of "revolving door" employment.
Put these rightwing Bushite corporations in charge of our elections, and permit them to "count" all the votes with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, and virtually no audit/recount controls--as well as no controls on lavish lobbying of local election officials, and on secret industry "testing" of the machines--and what do you expect?
It's no surprise that Bushites would want to steal votes with SECRET corporate vote "counting" by Bushite-friendly corporations--they couldn't get elected otherwise, considering what all they've done--nor is it a surprise that they would fuck our democracy over with crapass, extremely insecure and insider hackable voting systems, that regularly break down, and that no one can "fix" except private corporate personnel. And it's no surprise, really, that the war profiteering corporate news monopolies would place an "Iron Curtain" over this story, and even go to the length of DOCTORING their own exit polls to hide the fraudulent result of Diebold/ES&S's "trade secret" vote tabulation in 2004. We've come to expect such behavior from Bushites and their lapdog press. The big surprise is the Democratic Party leadership's MIND-BOGGLING SILENCE about it all. Are they insane, or what?
I am STILL shocked by this. And the best they can say (under pressure) is that maybe the touchscreens (which have no paper trail at all) are a bad idea. !!!!!!!!!!?????????
Corporate corruption? (--especially re Bilderberg 'Democrat' Sen. Christopher Dodd, who helped Delay and Ney--when they weren't busy with Abramoff bribes--engineer H.A.V.A. and push it through Congress with no paper trail or other controls on electronic voting?) Corruption re big electronics contracts in government? Corruption on the war (they LIKE having a Mideast war that someone else started, and deliberately threw the '04 election)? And maybe some component of stupidity, laziness, fear (it was the Anthrax Congress, after all*), and profit from Bush's tax cuts (they're almost all millionaires)? How to explain it? They don't WANT to get elected? With all this Bush fascism, they now "look good" and can offer "NICE" Corporate Rule as the alternative?
Even if all this were true of some, or many, of our Democrats, it still leaves me mind-boggled that they would permit Bushite corporations to "count" all the votes with SECRET FORMULAE! Are they that far gone? Do they no longer believe in democracy?
*(Fear may be no small factor in the Democratic leaderhip's silence about Bushite corporate control of our elections. They all saw what happened to elected Democrat Kevin Shelley, the Calif Secretary of State who sued Diebold for their lies about the security of their machines, de-certified the worst of those machines (the touchscreens), and demanded to see their source code, prior to the 2004 election. He was "swiftboated" out of office on entirely bogus corruption charges--with the Calif Democratic Party legislative leadership (who hold a 2 to 1 majority in both houses) hiding under their desks, or colluding in Shelly's demise--and was replaced by Schwarzenegger APPOINTEE and Diebold shill Bruce McPherson, who has now illegally RE-certified Diebold touchscreens. Be a good boy and you get comfy salary, benefits and pensions. Question Diebold, and you're out. This may not explain why ALL BUT TWO** Democratic U.S. Senators voted FOR H.A.V.A., but it may well explain their silence since then, as this tyrannical electronic (s)election system was put into place.)
**(The exceptions were Sens. Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer, who voted against H.A.V.A. Go figure.)