"To comply with the federal Help America Vote Act, the state must modernize its election technology. The old lever machines don’t accommodate disabled voters".
HAVA, same as:
Al Capone, ordering the saloon owners" that they must buy his beer.
"By December, the city will adopt one of two methods: The direct-recording electronic system, where voters use a touch screen and receive a paper printout, or the optical-scan system, in which voters fill in paper ballots and are then told — before their votes are counted — whether they had made any errors".
Both systems count your votes in secret and are easily hackable, YES America you are not allowed to see the votes being counted. NEVER, no matter which system NY picks, the votes will be counted inside of a machine that no Democrat OR Republican voter can see, or question how the votes get counted.
Heres one of NY choices, that was was proven by Harri Hurst to be hackable:
http://www.votetrustusa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=798&Itemid=51 and your second choice, which was proven to be hackable and also counts the votes in secret, by Princeton University, Watch the video here
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6590793631232799613&hl=en "The solution is to have a paper record of the voting, a sampling of which the state would then audit to make sure votes match the tally".
They are full of sh*t, The solution is to Hand Count the Paper Ballots (period) NEVER and I repeat NEVER let the state do the audit We the people have to get off our asses and audit these "make believe election machines" by HAND COUNTING the OPTISCANNED PAPER BALLOTS. If there is no paper ballot or they will not let us hand count the ballots, then it is nothing more than a "MAKE BELIEVE ELECTION"
My two cents.