Edited on Thu Sep-14-06 04:44 AM by Peace Patriot
goddamned rigged electronic voting machines, run by goddamned Bushite corporations, run on goddamned TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, with virtually no goddamned audit/recount controls!
That's what AB voting is about. BOYCOTTING the MACHINES! BUSTING the MACHINES! THROWING these diabolical machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
If enough people vote AB, we can put sufficient pressure on the corrupt fools who purchased these crapass, extremely insecure and insider hackable voting machines, to FORCE reform NOW. And if we can do that--mount a huge citizen revolt against the machines--we can then tackle all the other ways they steal and suppress our votes. But without TRANSPARENT, VERIFIABLE vote counting--vote counting that everyone can see and understand, and that NO ONE has any SECRET control over--we can't do anything; we have no influence over our government; they can just flip us off, as they are so obviously doing!
AB votes--in addition to being a great way to protest this system, and, if enough people do it, to bring this system down--also provide evidence for election statisticians to compare the PAPER vote against the ELECTRONIC vote (--very important in several studies of the 2004 election--electronic voting favored Bush, always). That PAPER record is important! And, dammit, it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing. Don't touch their machines! Refuse! Protest! Rebel!
Levels of insecurity:
If the option is touchscreens, AB votes provide a better record of your vote--in the case of some touchscreens, the ONLY record. AB voting is much to be preferred over touchscreens. With the optiscans, it's six of one, half dozen of another (optiscans have a ballot), EXCEPT FOR your COOPERATION with Bushite-corporate control of our elections with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code in ALL the electronic machines, including the optiscans and the central tabulators. So if you want to support payoffs to Bushite corporations* for rigging our elections, and you like having NON-TRANSPARENT, UNVERIFIABLE vote counting, fine, vote on optiscans.
With optiscans, they dump your ballot into a box--thus separating your vote from the evidence of your vote--and they turn your "vote" into a bunch of electrons, which are "sent" to the central tabulator, which is ALSO run on TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code. Many states have NO audit of this paper record (your ballot). The best states--the best!--have only a 1% audit, entirely inadequate in this high speed, invisible environment, and highly manipulable. And recounts are expensive, difficult and extremely rare. Optiscans may provide a slight deterrent effect. That's it. And if they scan your AB vote into these rigged electronics (which some corrupt election officials do), then it has no more security than an optiscan vote.
The only machines I know of that are reliable and unriggable are the old-fashioned lever (mechanical) voting machines--like the ones they have in NY. The Bush Feds are trying every way they can to force NY to get rid of these tried and true mechanical machines and go with Bushite corporations "counting" all the votes electronically with SECRET CODE. If the Bush Feds succeed, NY will become a "red" state, too. One thing follows the other. Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, next California. Wherever Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia go, "surprising," "mystifying," " unexpected" election results start occurring--always favoring Bushites.
We must get rid of these machines! WE MUST!
FLOOD election officials with MOUNTAINS of paper AB votes this fall! BOYCOTT the Machines! Make the electronic machines obsolete! Let them sit idle! DON'T vote on them!
Suggestions: Photocopy your Absentee Ballot. Fill the ballot and the envelope out very carefully (to avoid disqualification). Hand-deliver your ballot to your polling place on election day, or to your registrar's office before the election, or (second best) mail it in registered/return receipt requested, or by Fed Ex. The point is to have a record that it was received (and also of how you voted). Secondly, send a separate letter to your registrar, sec of state and media (if you can), demanding TRANSPARENT vote counting: PAPER BALLOTS, HAND-COUNTED AT THE PRECINCT LEVEL, WITH RESULTS POSTED *BEFORE* ANY ELECTRONICS ARE INVOLVED (the best system) Thirdly (if you can), MONITOR the vote counting--demand to see where the AB votes are kept and how they are counted, and MONITOR all aspects of the election on election day. (One of the benefits of a big AB voting protest will be increased scrutiny on how AB votes are handled. )
To HARUKA3_2000, above: You want to go along with this rotten, corrupt, evil practice--where some election officials disregard the AB votes in favor of the highly riggable electronic votes, and then rush the electronic totals to the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, so they can "call" the election on the rigged totals, and thus forestall challenges, recounts and protests???
Bust the Machines--Vote Absentee this November!
If enough people do it--and many are (it's up to 50% in Los Angeles)--it will be a massive citizen "vote of no confidence" in this rigged system and the evils that it has produced, including 100,000 innocent people slaughtered in Iraq, many people tortured, massive theft, looting of our federal treasury, spying, ripping up the Constitution, destruction of our military, lies, deceit and treachery of every kind. The American people didn't vote for this. I will never believe it. And the evidence is overwhelming that they didn't. This is the work of Tom Delay and Bob Ney--the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress--who appropriated nearly $4 billion to corrupt and destroy our election system from one end of the country to the other with Bushite corporations* "counting" all the votes with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code. That WAS the coup. And we MUST RESIST.
*And they are...
DIEBOLD: Until recently, headed by Wally O'Dell, a Bush-Cheney campaign chair and major fundraiser (a Bush "Pioneer," right up there with Ken Lay), who promised in writing to "deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush-Cheney in 2004"; and
ES&S: A spinoff of Diebold (similar computer architecture), initially funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the extremist 'christian' Chalcedon Foundation (which touts the death penalty for homosexuals, among other things). Diebold and ES&S have an incestuous relationship; they are run by two brothers, Bob and Todd Urosevich.
These are the people who "counted" 80% of the nation's votes in 2004, under a veil of corporate secrecy.
SEQUOIA: The third major election theft industry player, which hired Republican former Calif Secretary of State Bill Jones, and his chief aide, Alfie Charles, to peddle their machines--in an outstanding example of the highly corrupt practice of "revolving door" employment.
We MUST rid our election system of these Bushite corporations and all SECRET vote counting. VOTE ABSENTEE! Spread the word!