Abroad wants you to exercise your right to vote.
Use this on-line wizard to request your absentee ballot.
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This wizard will guide you through the voter registration and absentee ballot request process for your state. It will only ask those questions you are required to answer for your voting state and personal circumstances. It will then automatically fill in the official form with the information you have provided.
After you have reviewed your answers, you must Save, Print, Sign and Mail the completed form. No state accepts an electronic version of this form.
Democrats Abroad takes your privacy concerns seriously. The wizard will not retain any personal information, unless you authorize it. For a full explanation of our privacy policy, click here.
There are seven steps:
1. Answer the six screens of customized, state-specific questions.
2. Review your answers and fix any mistakes.
3. Download or Save the Adobe PDF file. It will include a personalized information sheet, fax cover sheet, and your completed voter registration form.
4. Print the Adobe PDF file.
5. Sign and date the voter registration form.
6. Fax the voter registration form using the fax cover sheet. (This step is optional).
7. Mail the form to your local election official at the address provided.