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Another VERY suspicious poll

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galloglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-16-06 08:37 PM
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Another VERY suspicious poll
I just ran across a thread about the Menendez-Kean NJ Senate Race at

Surprised, and a bit annoyed, I dropped off what I thought was an appropriate comment, given the fact that Tom Kean and TK, JR. were collusive behind "Path to 9/11".

Then I remembered our recent thread about the pollsters, DataUSA, Inc. who pleaded guilty to fraud regarding polling for Bush and Lieberman. I suppose because there was speculation that polls might be used as weapons this year.

At any rate, given thoughts of both Dominionism and crooked polling going Crash! while I read the thread, I thought I would go to the website of the polling company. Thought I might find the same bunch of dog and cat questioners, DataUSA Inc.

But, Nooooo! I think I might have found a Dominionist Polling firm instead.

Check this out.

There you will find the poll re: Menendez and Kean.

But, looking at their clients, I recognized two immediately. Both friendly next door Kansas Dominionists.

The two clients:

Re-elect Sen. Sam Brownback for US Senate; Topeka, KS, and

Phill Kline for Kansas Attorney General; Shawnee, KS

That is enough for me to think, "AHA, that's no coincidence"!, since Kean is Dominionist, also.

But does anyone else know these other clients at the site?

I'd like to hear without checking myself. Just to eliminate both my bias and my nausea.

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-16-06 08:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. Our US Sup Ct is now not doing law - but instead is doing "God's will"
Antonin Scalia, “God’s Justice and Ours,” in First Things 123 (May 2002): 17-21,
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-16-06 09:25 PM
Response to Original message
2. i was at dem meeting in NJ thursday night ..and guy who was there
had just been at the NJ meetings in Atlantic City..he said they were shown a presentation of the internal polls..and Menendez was doing good..these polls were inside ones so nothing that could be shown ..but they are polls of people who
Have voted in the last 3 election cycles..thats rethug and dem who actually vote..and Menendez was way ahead..
but that does not mean we can sit still..

there was also talk of the Hispanic factor..people were concerned that Menendez could be hurt by all the talk of immigration and all the border talk....and that he was being called Mexican ..of which he is not..but there was concern of this among NJ voters.

and he has already been smeared..but he has a commerical coming out from what i understand that will address this ..

but i would think when the debates happen people will pay attention..

of course it was also said..that Kean does not want to debate Menendez..i just bet he doesn't want to!!

But Menendez has alot of money i am he will be showing many commericals..

i am in so. part of Nj he isn't really well known down here as he is in Northern NJ..

he really needs to court the southern part of the state..i was told he may write off my county ..the most rethuglican in the state..i think that would be a mistake..

anyway..thanks for your work looking this up..i will send it along to people who could look further into it!!


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galloglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-16-06 10:51 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Happy to help, fly
Edited on Sat Sep-16-06 10:52 PM by galloglas
Edit Subject for clarity

FWIW, we are taking the bull by the horns in Missouri and Kansas but we will try our best to throw the bull's fertilizer right back into the GOPs face!

The Democrats have been so afraid to talk religion to the voters, and it has cost them dearly, so far.

I think when we all see what is really happening, we will no longer be afraid.

We have a history of the Evangelicals (formed first as the Assembly of God churches, circa 1905, and based in Springfield, MO) taking their religion straight from their Preacher's mouth, and nowhere else. Only recently have their Preachers even begun going Seminary School. Until the last generation, their preachers were the ones who "felt the spirit"! And that was that.

In steps the GOP, led by ex-Senator and ex-Attorney General John Ashcroft of Missouri, and others like him from around the country.

That bunch fuses together that very primitive strain of Pentecostal Evangelicalism with the Fascist, cut-throat politics of the Youth For America brand of Republicanism that arose in response to Nixon and, Watergate, and Viet Nam, add a HUGE dash of CASH from hidden givers (like the Ahmansons of Nebraska) and out springs the stealth Religious Right politics of Dominionism!

Best way to tackle them is head on. Get your best Mainstream religious minds and have them hit the books. Study about these Right Fringers.

If they do, they will find that of the 50 million "Evangelicals" that there will be 2 million Dominionists and 48 million benighted followers who don't even know enough of the Bible to understand it.

NJ, and every other place plagued by these heretics, should call them out, like Martin Luther did to the Pope.

Fight them right on their own ground. Quote them their own interpretations and make 'em deny it or defend it. In front of God and everyone!

It's working down here, I think.

So, Good Luck to y'all! ;-)

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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-16-06 11:47 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. ahhhh i used to live in your neck of the woods!!
for many BLUE SPRINGS & Lee's Summit and Leawood KS...OHH i do know the fundies there!! and i got up front and uncomforatable with the asshole ashcroft!
and how fitting it was that he was beat by a dead man!!

thanks for your info..i will pass it along!!

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galloglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-17-06 01:01 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Good God in Heaven!! The Lord musta' ordained this !!!!
As some around here would say!

'Cause I'm writing this from Independence, Harry Truman's old home town. I used to live a block and half away from him. Lived in Jackson County my whole life.

I'll tell you one thing. I visit the Truman Library fairly often, and sometimes when it's quiet, I swear to God I can hear him spinning in his grave. And if I say the word "Bush", the RPMs increase.

And I never fail to use his name when writing columns or LTTEs critical of Bush. Compare those two is like comparing East and West. {i]Nothing about them is the same.

But, on a serious note, Truman hated no man worse than Sen. Prescott Bush, GWB's grandfather. Truman hounded him constantly for War-Profiteering. So there is no love lost between those families.

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