Would you help to educate Lou Dobbs about the "voter id" bill?
Could you send him some bullet points on what HR 4844 really is?I have provided some info but maybe you have some better talking points.
?Would this legislation stop "illegals" from voting, or would it stop more "legal"
citizens from voting?
?Are some of us now "illegal" who didn't used to be?
He keeps saying over and over that this is just a voter id act, its far more than that.
AARP OPPOSES IT Congress is set to decide new requirements of citizens before
you can go cast your ballot.
These requirements could very well cost you money, time and a lot of effort.
Citizens will have to produce documents that many of us do not have on hand
HR 4844, the Voter ID Act, if it passes in the Senate -
will disenfranchise millions of senior citizen voters in our country.
Most seniors will not have the documentation needed to PROVE that they are citizens.
The American Association of Retired People has actively opposed voter identification
legislation in several states wrote in a letter submitted into the record to congress:
"On behalf of older Americans who have largely shaped the values of our democracy,
we urge great care to ensure that the basic right to vote is not rrampled in an effort to
address unproven allegations of voting issues."
http://www.votetrustusa.org/pdfs/Bills/AARP%5B1%5D.pdf ITS WAY BEYOND A VOTER ID LAW - HERE'S WHAT IT ENTAILS
'What HR 4844 does is require "government-issued, current and valid photo identification
for which the individual was required to provide proof of United States citizenship as a condition
for the issuance of the identification" -- this is quoting from the text of the bill.
Drivers licenses do not fit this definition because proof of citizenship is not required to obtain a driver's license (there are three states that DO require proof of citizenship but the majority do not).
The only existing document that fits this definition is a passport. In order to get a passport
you need to obtain your state issued birth certification (not a hospital version).
There are fees connected to getting your birth certificate.
Married women might need to provide copies of their marriage license to document their name change
(another cost and more hassle).'
~ Kathy Jackson, Oregon Voters Rights Coalition.
IS THIS A POLL TAX?WHO WILL IT AFFECT? A lot of legal citizens....
Data from a nationally representative telephone survey of 2,026 adults, commissioned by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and conducted between January 12 and January 16 by the Opinion Research Corporation:
Key findings from the survey include:
About one in every twelve (8 percent) U.S.-born adults age 18 or older who have incomes below $25,000 report they do not have a U.S. passport or U.S. birth certificate in their possession.
More than one tenth of U.S.-born adults with children who have incomes below $25,000 reported they did not have a birth certificate or passport for at least one of their children.
At least 3.2 to 4.6 million U.S.-born citizens would not have a U.S. passport or birth certificate readily available.
While 5.7 percent of all adults in the survey (i.e., adults at all income levels) reported they lack these documents, the percentage was larger for certain groups:
African American adults:--------------- 9 percent
Senior citizens 65 or older:------------7 percent
Adults without a high school diploma:---9 percent
Adults living in rural areas: ----------9 percent
These data and earlier research also suggest that elderly African Americans with low incomes may experience particular difficulties because a significant number of them were never issued birth certificates.
The House passed the bill a week ago. Now it moves to the Senate.
If the senatepasses it, the photo id part will go into effect in 2008,
and the requirement to prove your citizenship will go into effect in 2010.
All this just to be given a ballot in order to vote. Not to register to vote but to cast a ballot.
Ask your neighbors if they have proof of citizenship.
WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET A BIRTH CERTIFICATE? This may not sound like much to you, but add that in the long wait that most people don't expect,
and you might not get to vote.
The Congress isn't telling the public everything - read the fine print - the devil is in the details. My elderly next door neighbor, a regular voter, and a republican - will not be able to
cast her vote in 2008.