Edited on Thu Sep-28-06 11:45 PM by countmyvote4real
The struggle to expand classic American democracy abroad became too heavy a burden today and both branches of the Legislature have finally agreed to end it all. The majority of both Houses have resigned their oaths of office (to protect the Constitution) in favor of the “less likely to be disappeared” characterization of “rubber stamp/boot licker/save my corrupt self/coward” position supporting the * administration’s request to suspend habeas corpus at the total discretion of the newly legislated Dictator.
Under the spirit and guise of a post 9/11 world, the suicide pact was bi-partisan. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Ben Nelson (D-NE) voted with the GOP to kill an amendment by Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) that would uphold the now ephemeral right of habeas corpus to “combative detainees.” That’s now a phrase defined solely by the eye of the newly legislated Dictator.
American democracy may now finally rest in peace or rollover forever in its grave until a new world leader comes to liberate the concept from its latest fascist laws.
How humiliating; and yet how joyful that day might be IF it should ever come to pass. For now, I think that we are lost forever. RIP American Democracy. It seems that we hardly knew ye (until we were tortured and disappeared for our “non-combative” opposition to the policies of the newly crowned Dictator.) Those were the days when we could blog freely and others could freely review and comment on our thoughts. That’s not going to happen anymore when the current House and Senate jointly suspend habeas corpus.
It’s time to toss these assholes out with a verifiable vote.