Just because the Dems won 2 houses of Congress is no reason to be complacent people!:
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0701/12/ldt.01.htmlDOBBS: Troubling new questions about electronic voting machines used in our midterm elections. New tests now show one of the systems used didn't meet federal standards at all. But that didn't stop some states from using those machines anyway.
Kitty Pilgrim reports.
KITTY PILGRIM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): New York State didn't use electronic voting in the November election. The state chose to stay with decades-old lever machines until electronic voting was proven tamper-proof and glitch-free.
New York State is glad they didn't use electronic voting. New York State Election Commission co-chair Doug Calner (ph) says ES&S, one of the largest electronic voting machines in the country, used software in other states that didn't meet federal standards, even though it was stamped with federal certification codes.
DOUG KELLNER, NYS. BOARD OF ELECTIONS: They admitted that it doesn't comply, but though said, look, we already got certification previously for this very same product. The rules have not changed since we got certification, therefore, you shouldn't insist on compliance with that rule.
PILGRIM: ES&S brushed aside the concerns in a letter to New York election officials saying federal standards were an arbitrary guideline. ES&S also admitted to election officials that other states used the software anyway. Last November, 25 states used ES&S machines that used this software.